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Good or Bad day?? Who Knows



I don't really know if today is a good day or a bad one. I woke up this morning feeling pretty good, but by noon my heart was racing, I was sweating and I couldn't settle down. My nerves were a mess. I guess that is what is referred to as a anxiety attack, but thankfully I was able to get out of it quickly. I talked to a friend of mine and she helped. It started because first of all I had another night of not sleeping which brings the total to 8 days. So I called my dr. this morning and told her that the meds she prescribed to help me sleep were not working. She told me that she did not want to prescribe anything else or up my dose until I had a sleep study done. Of course they can't do the sleep study for a month so I have to wait and figure it out between then. My therapist suggested an anxiety med, but my dr. doesn't want to give that until after the sleep study. So what do I do. What do I do? I have to function somehow, so I am doing what I can. Which for now means not being as emotionally and physically available for my son as I would like to be. Thankfully he is young and forgiving. Unfortunately he is young and clingy. These are the days I break up and go hour by hour, and am thankful when the day is done and we have made it through with minimal tears (from both my son and I.) And to top it all off my hubby wont' be home till after midnight so I am left to deal with everything by myself. What will tomarrow bring??


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Yeah he is pretty young. He does tend to lead to alot of extra stress, mostly emotional, especially when you are dealing with other issues on top of being a first time mom. He doesn't really affect my sleep, but I don't think he sleeps very well. Many times one or both my husband and I have gotten up and he has been making noise in his bed. He doesn't cry just groans. So we don't go to him. But he takes two decent naps during the day so I get my breaks that way.

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