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Three little birds



Had a really good day today. It's sinking in that I actually have a job and I'm not going to be fired on my first week or something. I've been in limbo for so long I got used to that and having stability is almost too good to be true.

Also my boyfriend is coming for a visit :rolleyes::D:D

So excited about that.

I'm paying attention to other people and noticing that others are nearly as messed up as I am. Some are worse. I still want and need to get better, since the self destructive behavior is a problem, but maybe in terms of neuroticism I'm only a 3 out of 5 instead of a 6 out of 5.

That's what perfectionism does though is it makes me take something that's normal but not perfect and make a big deal out of it, while assuming that anybody else who doesn't seem to be struggling must be feeling pretty much okay.

It strikes me as a problem though that so many people are struggling so much. I hope I can eventually get my own act together in order to have a chance of helping others (through service; talk is cheap). Perhaps the two go hand in hand.

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