Well, after commenting on Freud, the next book I took up was Abraham Maslow's Toward a Psychology of Being. Talk about contrasts ...
As I told a friend elsewhere, Maslow spelled "optimist" with a capital 'O'. He preferred to focus on the behavior of the most successful healthy people, as a guide toward individual growth for each of us, instead of focusing on sick people and how they got that way. It's a totally different viewpoint.
Also, he (being a professor in the 60's) preferred not to pretend that language is absolute, that there's just one way to say something that will be understood by all. So he puts in half a dozen near-synonymous adjectives for every concept. Depending on your point of view, this either increases the chance that you'll understand what he means, or it'll dilute his point entirely. Conceivably, it does both simultaneously ...
And conceivably, he would approve of that. He points out that many things that most of us consider to be opposites, such as selfish versus selfless, may actually be concepts that meet and merge, in the extreme. Thus, for his semi-hypothetical, truly healthy people, doing something completely for other people may also be the source of selfish pleasure. I think most of us know what he means by that.
Anyway, besides recommending him to others interested in psychology, my reaction to it all was less severe than it was to Freud, at least. However, I did have a little difficulty with his concept of "self-actualized" people. Not that they don't exist; we've all seen people who seem to have found what they're looking for, those who could be Buddhist monks or saints, those with serenity written all over them.
The difficulty I had was with the appearance of a division between such people and me, which clearly Maslow did not intend. But there was some reaction of jealousy, to be honest: I wish I were more like those people. Really, though, that reaction was my own mistake. Maslow was describing a continuum. The only thing stopping me from being more like those serene people is me.
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