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Just One Word



It astounds me how powerful words in the English language can be. Just one little word has helped me reached a point of clarity and self-realization.

In a past blog "With or Against" I wrote about my struggle between fighting and conquering my Depression, or working with the limitations my Depression put on me. I have been thinking about that blog and the comments that were left.

One comment had the word "superstar" in it. That one little word brought clarity to me and my dilemma "With or Against".

Visit my blog and read about my realization and see how the comments left have helped me to that realization.

:)stigmabegone.blogspot.ca :o

The blog is titled "Just One Word" and its date is April 13, 2012

I wrote one little refrain to go along with this post and I would like to dedicate it to Malign, Frazzled and Medlem:

But girl,

you don't gotta be a superstar.

But girl,

you gotta love who you are.


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