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baldness and being a cat

I brush my hair and a fistful of hair is left in my brush. I wash my hair and a fistful of hair is washed down the drain. When I was a teenager and young adult I had very thick hair, so thick I needed extra big elastics to put it in a pony tail. So thick that banana clips wouldn't hold it. Now my hair is very thin. I am shocked when I run my fingers through it at how thin it has gotten. So I find myself wondering if I am going to be bald or will this hair loss stop at some point? Is this




Frustrated, frustrated, frustrated! ARGHHH! I have been working very hard on my blogs. I have redone them and have been learning the ins and outs of blogging. Everything was going fine until yesterday. For some reason Blogger is not working right for me and keeps giving me error messages. I have sent 5 requests to help and received no help. I have no idea what is going on! I have been in blahs-ville for about a week now and just can't seem to shake the blahs. It is sunny and warm here and



Day-Long Mistake

I am new to blogging and currently have two blogs on the go. The first blog I started is http://stigmabegone.blogspot.com and that is about my life with depression. The second blog is all about Christmas crafts that are easy, fast and cheap to make http://clareyxmas.blogspot.com I made a big mistake while posting to my Christmas blog. Someone kindly pointed out my mistake and I spent all day today redoing my blog in order to fix it. I sure hope everything is all right now and that I'm not br



Good-bye Daddy

On April 24, 2010 my father passed away after a long hard fight with colon cancer. I love my dad and miss him every day. My grief is as fresh today as it was on that day in 2010. I have many feelings bottled up inside me in regards to my father's illness and death. I have great sadness, an empty spot in my heart, anger, resentment, forgiveness, and love. Overall, I am heartbroken. How do you mend a broken heart? Can a broken heart be mended? I know, with time comes healing. But it has be




I am sitting on my couch with my two sleeping cats. What a life a cat has! I am also listening to the wind blow outside, and it sure is blowing. For the first time in a long time I am sitting here not thinking about depression. What a nice feeling. It is nice to just sit here being content with my life, not having to analyze myself or learn more about depression. I know I cannot put my depression on the back burner and ignore it, but I think it is fine to take a break from it today. I des



Too 'crazy' to work?

Today I wrote about mental health in the work place. Is depression considered a disability? Do I have any rights as a depressed employee? Can I be fired because I took a sick leave due to my depression? I am thinking a lot about going back to work. I don't feel ready yet but sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do. I did some research about disabilities and the work place. If you would like to learn about this topic visit http://stigmabegone.blogspot.com http://clareyxmas.blog



Twas a good day

Yes, I do believe it twas a good day. I got quite a bit done around the house, took my son to the bottle depot (where he received $60 for his cans and bottles!), did all my errands. I wish all days could be good days like today was. I even washed my hair! HAHAHA! If you check my blog you'll see what I mean http://stigmabegone.blogspot.com I hope everyone else had a good day too. Tomorrow could be another down day so I am reveling in the goodness of today.



Well DAMN!

My daughter is in grade 11 and is a wonderful girl. She was nominated to receive the Lt. Governor's medal at school. She was in competition with two other girls for the medal. These other two girls are wonderful people that deserve the medal as well. In fact, all through school my daughter and these two other girls have been the top three in their grade. The decision was made yesterday after school and my daughter did not win the medal. One of the other girls did. I am terribly upset. Don



Huge Fluffy Beasts

I am sitting here on the couch in between my two huge fluffy beasts. I am talking about my cats and when I say huge I am talking 15 pounds each. They are laying down stretched out on either side of me. It is funny yet comforting and lovely how they do that. They only do it during the day when I am home alone with them. I don't know if they just love me so much they need to be close to me or if they feel protective of me. I lean towards loving me because how protective can they be when the




Hmmm, what should I write about today? I had a very good appointment with my psychologist today. We talked a lot about the ego. I had a pretty rough childhood with a lot of trauma. I will not go into that because I believe everyone is entitled to their own privacy. I do not want to divulge the private information of anyone else without their ok. Anyways, I have denied all my life that the kind of childhood I had had any impact on who I am today. It is just recently that I have realized and



Is Depression Genetic?

How many people have asked that question? I have asked it from the time I learned I had depression. I pray that it is not because I do not want my children to develop it. I did some research on the internet and wrote a blog on this subject matter. I discovered that genetics do play a part in depression but there are many other factors that play a role too. Go to my blog to learn about all the other factors and to learn whether depression is genetic or not. stigmabegone.blogspot.com Please fee



Just One Word

It astounds me how powerful words in the English language can be. Just one little word has helped me reached a point of clarity and self-realization. In a past blog "With or Against" I wrote about my struggle between fighting and conquering my Depression, or working with the limitations my Depression put on me. I have been thinking about that blog and the comments that were left. One comment had the word "superstar" in it. That one little word brought clarity to me and my dilemma "With or Aga



Dislike of Exercise

I have a huge repulsion for exercise. I do not like the loss of breath, the sore muscles, and I hate to sweat! I hate exercise but I know it helps with Depression. My doctors have even told me to exercise but I can't bring myself to do it. By exercising I would be better able to deal with my Depression and I really want that, yet I can't do it. I want to be healthy, fit, beautiful, and successful, yet I continue to put off exercising. Why? Why can't I just make myself exercise? This is so



With or Against?

My big question of the day - do I accept my Depression and work with the limitations it causes me, or do I continue to fight the Depression and strive to conquer it? By continuing to fight the Depression and conquer it I feel I may actually be aiding it. I set very high expectations for myself and I feel as though I am continuously failing to meet them. When I was a young woman just learning about Depression I was feisty and invincible. My future was not decided, the road was clear for me to



There is Always Something to be Happy About

Today being Easter, I am in a thankful frame of mind. There is so much in this world to be thankful for and most of it we take for granted. That is what I wrote about in my blog. We need to try to be thankful and positive as much as we can. In this word that can be tough, but there really is a lot of wonderful beauty out there. stigmabegone.blogspot.ca (There is Always Something to be Happy About archives - April 8, 2012)



Sleep and Depression

Sleep is all I want today. My eyelids are getting heavier as I type. Yes, I did sleep last night but it feels like I did not get a very good nights sleep because I am still tired. In fact, it feels like I am always tired. Today, in my blog, I wrote about the link between sleep and Depression. www.stigmabegone.blogspot.ca



Green-Eyed Monster

Jealousy, the great green-eyed monster. One of my many companions that accompany me through life. This is what my blog was about today. To learn a little bit about jealousy and depression and how to overcome it visit my blog at stigmabegone.blogspot.ca (the blog is called Jealousy in Depression and in the archives it is the date April 6,2012)



Eeyore Kind of a Day

I don't have much to say today. I'm not having a good day. I am just blah today. I wrote a little in my blog. Go see it if you like. stigmabegone.blogspot.ca (Eeyore kind of Day - in archives April 5)



Poetic release of an 18 year old girl

I am feeling rather poetic today. When I was in high school I wrote poetry. I used poetry as my release for all the dark emotions I was feeling. I enjoyed writing poetry but stopped once I began taking medication for my depression. I think I might like to try writing poetry again. I dedicated my blog entry today to poetry I wrote when I was 18 and "in the depths of despair" (to quote Anne of Green Gables). I haven't looked at these poems in almost 20 years and I have to admit that I am pret



The Irony of Life

Irony - an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected. (Dictionary.com) Have you ever realized the amount of irony there is in life? I have. It seems to follow me everywhere I go, it's a constant companion. Do I like this companion of mine? Not particularly. I like to stand firmly on the ground and have order in my life. The irony in life is what I wrote about in my blog today. Check it out: stigmabegone.blogspot.ca "One must appreciate life's little ironies, eve




Today I used writing my blog to help me make a decision. I am a woman of order. Everything has its place and everything is to be in order. This rigidity was causing me a little problem in the writing of my blog. To see my decision and my thinking process go to: stigmabegone.blogspot.ca I haven`t figured out how to change the format of the blog archive yet so all my blogs are listed according to date. If looking in the archive this blog was written on April 2, 2012



Brain Freeze

Yep, that is the topic of my posting today. Let me tell you, I had difficulty writing my blog today because of this stupid brain freeze. However, I allowed myself a sick day yesterday and that's all I will allow myself so I slowly and painfully (mentally) made myself write today. To view my blog posting about brain freeze visit here: stigmabegone.blogspot.ca Feel free to browse the other entries as well.



Day off

The flu decided to take over my body so I am not thinking too good today. I did not write anything in my blog today, instead I posted some quotes/sayings about Depression. If you want to check them out go to stigmabegone.blogspot.ca



From DUH! to OH YEAH!

I just finished writing my blog entry somewhere else and don't want to retype it. The entry is about sudden realization and psychologists. If you would like to read the entry please go to The entry is under the title "Revelation"




Hi, I started my own blog before joining this site so I would like to post the address to my blog here stigmabegone.blogspot.ca I have been living with Depression for over 20 years. I have had good times and bad times. Currently I am experiencing a bad time. I visit a psychologist once a month to talk and do CBT. I have given myself the task of writing about my experience with Depression. I am very perturbed about the stigma that is still attached to mental illness. Instead of sitting arou



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