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Well, so much for that...I GOT THE JOB!! AH!



Well, after all this anxiety, and all, I actually did get the job. I was on my way to the next town to continue the job search and not letting my mistake get to me, and, not only one employer, but 2, called me back, first the job I really wanted, which just made me go wooohoooo! and then the other one, but I had to tell the lady I already got a job.

I am so stoked and thank all the great, great help I got here from Star mainly and from Malign too, all the support that really encouraged me to not let those old tapes in my head get the best of me!

Now I get to help others too!

And I told the lady that called me second that I would recommend her business in my work as I thought she was awesome and we got along well... It's just that the job I got offer is year round and better paid, and is more aligned with my long term goals of getting a trade.

So stoked.




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Yay! I'm so happy for you tour! That is such great news. A little tricky with the title there, thought it was gonna say so much for that job, tricky. Not one, but both places offered you the job? That's gotta be reassuring! I knew you could do it and good luck with the new job!!

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Hey , thanks star! Ya, I am so very happy about the turn of event! I freaked out a little bit, but got myself together again and was just ready to go 'oh well' and on my way to more job search, but I am glad! Starting monday, bright and early! I am psyched!

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