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September 28, 2009



We just got back our electricity. A typhoon hit us just this weekend. A lot of areas got flooded, including ours. In other places the water covered the 1st and even the 2nd floor of the houses and the people had to go up to their roofs. We were listening to the news on our battery-operated radio during the blackout, and according to the news, the last heavy rainfall like this one happened in 1967. I don't know the international name of the typhoon, but in our country it was called "Ondoy."

There were also many people who drowned in one of the lowest areas. I feel sorry for them and for the people whose properties were destroyed by the flood.

And all the while these were happening I was ranting and complaining about the power interruption. Later I realized that me and my family are the lucky ones. We still have a house, we still have water, and we got our electricity back.


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