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My first blog post



This is my first try to write in a blog like this. Well I'm not sure if this suppose to have a specific theme, so I'll just tell my daily thought for a start.

The bad new is the way I felt some days ago when I got in a cinema. I was alone (yes alone) in the room and the people who worked there seeing that there is no people (but me) allowed a person they knew to go in. The problem is that he must have been through some problems, because he kept speaking to himself, screaming, singing, doing "shhh" to himself and so on. Well after the brake, he sat 2 seats beside me (while the room was sooo big and all empty-it could be 200-300 seats), and as I was ready to go somewhere else he politely said "hope you don't mind". I did because it was a bit weird and freaky but stupidly I just said "it's ok". Thank god he left 2 minutes ago. I was not comfortable at all with the situation, moreover I felt so stupid I did nothing for it. Like I can't defend myself. Or like all the self work I do and believe so in it's results, just didn't work. And I was feeling soooo bad the whole day after that!!!

Anyway, afterwords I just remembered another phrase that I know that suppose to get you forward instead of back "If you have a failiar, it's just means it's the beginning of the battle".

That was a good sign, that I am working at least in a way with myself cause all this work I do is supposed to help you not to stuck in situations. Well I didn't and now I know how to turn it for a good purpose. If this happens to me I can just walk away -I don't need a strangers opinion. Or if I want to be a more kind, sure for myself etc personality I can just tell him: "No offence but this is an empty cinema, you are a stranger and it's a bit weird to ask me that. I won't feel comfortable, so with any respect, it you can't find a better seat, I will do it".

Ok I could tell to myself that he had some sort of mental illness and that I couldn't possible know his reaction to it, but I know that would be just an excuse for not taking things in my hands so... I believe next time I will face something like that, this will be my answer.

The good news is that I'm having a birthday party on Saturday, (yeeeeah!) just with my bf and our 2 closest friends, but they are more than enough for me.

I have already planed what to cook for them. I really really can't wait!

Now something that I'm going to keep (...if I keep this blog), is my positive thought of the day:

People respect me and treat me right, because I respect myself.


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