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Is A "Dark Side" A Real Thing?

Guest GingerSnap

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Guest GingerSnap

Off and on I have heard people talk about a "dark side" of a person. I never gave it that much thought until I saw something my husband was working on where he had a list of rather horrifying items under the title "My Dark Side". So, I read it and said "Dark side? Do I have one? I don't think I have one." and he said "You don't have one." So is this a real thing, a "dark side" and if so, it must be related to some sort of personality thing? I am guessing that traits for a "dark side" wouldn't be anything that one would try to advertise about themselves? I am, what you see is what you get and maybe only as deep as a puddle in reality.

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Guest GingerSnap

Thanks JP. I guess I was thinking that the dark side is maybe part of being a sociopath (now I believe that is a combination of narcissistic and antisocial behavioral disorders) and when it surfaces and maybe takes over....well, not having particularly good thoughts about it anyway.

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Yes there is a dark side > we all have it. Because their is two sides to the coin. RIGHT?

GOOD, & EVIL . Typically people show their good side of themsevlves. Children are taught at an very early age right from wrong. How to play nice, How to share, How to make friends , ect. However , when people become angry , yes, some of that dark side comes out, just a little though, we learn to control our anger though, so we do not harm others. Most people do. However , their are some people who do not care about social boundaries , and cross over the lines , and show the DARK side . Dark side that some may call an evil nature . However , in my opinion we all have it . Because it is all within us . We have just learned to control it. IT is just a part of the brain that has been turned off. However it can be tapped in . Primarialy you will see in young males , that have the most potentiel of this type of "dark" side, or violence . Same thing in my opinion.

Their can't been Good without the Evil. Or dark side . It is just the opposite of good. Nobody is an all absolute saint , good person all the time, most people are in between good and bad. Some can lean more towards the dark side or some can lean more towards the good side of life. By being honest and never cheating , swearing, and so on.

Than their are those who manipulate , cheat, use, absue, hurt, others at any chance as they can get.

Their is one thing That I have seen ANd I firmly believe in this, I have never forgotten it , never will. I have seen it. A human being, a mans eyes, he was a murder'er and the look of his eye's they were absolute EVIL. I stared into a mans EYEs and new . That was the most powerful dark ness I had ever came accross in my life. This is how I know . Their is this force of evil and it is real.


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Guest GingerSnap

Thanks, Mscat. Well thought out description. I still lean toward the possibility of pure evil though. I had the "opportunity" to out-process a couple of prisoners, child molesters once. I had to sit at a desk with them too. I got to do it because I was "cool headed" and the supervisor was afraid of what the other clerks might do or say. One talked about going home to his wife and how excited he was (he had molested his own children and then when they had a party he molested some of the children at the party) and he was chatting with me. The other was young and had molested children on a playground while his wife was there with him. I saw the case files on this people and then had to sit next to them. The problem with these guys was that you would never have guessed it by looking at them and in my opinion, this is pure evil, someone who should not be among us. I watched interviews with both Bundy and that group leader that had the girl followers that went and killed a bunch of people - pure evil. I am convinced though that some people don't have souls or maybe they just don't have a conscious but they sure come off as pure evil. Now, Mother Theresa, maybe pure good? Did they make her a saint? My compassion has limits to those I feel deserve it and it is my compassion and I can darn well decide who qualifies and who doesn't. What a world, what a world.....

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Wow that is very facisnating, gingersnap. I really like that stuff, only because it is so interestng, and mortifying. I watch a show here in the States, Forensic Files, true life murder , wher ethey find these terrible killers and sole cases using forensic evidence . Their are a few shows on like this , I watch. Some of them it is obvious they are killers, some not so. They are the ones , I think are the most dangerous, the ones without no conscience, psychopathic> Sociopathic . Many young men , scary as hell, statistics have shown were handsome , and between the ages of 18-28. They have been the most prolific killers of all time. Not just referring to the child molesters either :mad: . It is one sick ass society . I have no mercy on any one who preys on a little child.

My first post I was writing in general terms in reragds to good and evil. Not so much as it applies to the psycholgical aspects of a primarily purely evil indivdual. YES , I agree they are certain humans that are pure evil. Their brains are "screwed" up" However I do not believe a baby is born evil. i believe certain factors take place in order for this to occur , and take place. ncertain what happens in a childs brain or the chemicals in the brain to change for this to happen. Yet , I do know a child at 8 yrs old understands right from wrong at this age. At child without a conscience does not care what he does to others or says, this is the time the child would start to hurt other kids or hurt animals too, even start starting fires.

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Guest GingerSnap

I think everyone should have to watch these criminal mind shows before having children so they realize that "it" exists so they are on guard. In my case, my son will always function as a 4 year old and you can bet that each time we relocate I search the web for the listing of sexual offenders in the neighborhood. I heard a tape of my husband's session and I thought, where have I heard something like that, something so......So, to be informed even if it is a slanted view doesn't hurt. When I was in kindergarten, the 5th/6th grade teacher molested 3 of his students and one 11 year old became pregnant. Two years later I learned from someone that lived in a very large city a few hours from where I grew up that a teacher by the same name had done the same thing there. So, no school activities for me and were my parents over protective or just protective? That these people exist should be a known fact and yes, oh poor them maybe they had a bad life - mine was not so great either but I have not spent my life harming others to get off and make myself feel better.

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i believe we all have an evil or darker side, some to a stronger degree than others and as mentioned already society puts limits on us and most of us can control ourselves and stick to them but then its usually only for selfish reasons..we dont want to go to prison for 20 yrs!

man was born hunters and killers although we have evolved it is in our base nature.

i personally have had some very evil and violent thoughts and really really wanted to hurt somebody (almost anybody would do at those times) never chldren though, and i have come extremely close to it, even though i wouldnt generally consider myself a nasty or aggresive person..usually im the opposite.

And i honestly dont think i would have any genuine regrets or feel bad if i did do something, other than the consequence of being stuck in a prison cell for it.

many people have a morbid fascination for true murder stories,want to know all the details,profiles of killers,pictures even,amongst other 'evil' things.

thats why those films and books exist and why the media loves providing them to the public, and why are so many violent fiction movies produced that millions flock to the cinemas to see or buy the dvds? such as ted bundy movies,nightmare on elmstreet for eg or even the action cops type films where there's always a dead body or two and maybe an autopsy scene involved and even the 'good guys' kill, if people didnt have a dark side surely they would be repulsed by them not entertained?

and i may be way way wrong but if people are to be honest how many of you find yourselves identifying with or having some personality traits of sociopaths or tendencies however slight they may be like most people do with any personality disorder..i know i have even though i am not a sociopath/psychopath or whatever.

but it could be just me thats a looney and needs putting away!

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Guest GingerSnap

Donna: Well thought out response. I don't go in for the violent movies and warped ones. We recently eliminated cable altogether because of those shows. I did enjoy the documentaries. Sure, sometimes I would like to burn someone at the stake, maybe stake them out in the desert tied with wet rawhide but definitely not just anyone would do, it would have to be someone who had committed a horrible thing, someone like Bundy or Charles Manson and his followers. It is in my case not that I fear going to jail (these doesn't seem to stop a lot of people from actually committing crimes as in the US we are overflowing with prisoners) but know in my heart that this is not the right thing to do, I have a conscious also to deal with. I would never kill anyone unless forced to defend me or mine especially my children even more than myself. I have the advantage of being older and having grown up in a much different world, thank you God for that. I appreciated your thoughts Donna and I don't think your feelings are probably that much different than a lot of people these days. Cathy

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