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WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??:Fear OF Sexual Intercourse


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Well, I hate to say it, but I'm afraid that what you're probably suffering from is ...


Just because "society's" current advertising trend says that people are having sex earlier and earlier doesn't mean you have to go along with it. There's still nothing wrong with waiting for the right person. No one can tell you when it's right for you. The feelings you're having are just you saying "not yet".

I myself was a virgin (male) at 40, so you're not breaking the world record, or anything. In my case, it was definitely because I was afraid, not so much of intercourse itself, but the intimacy and vulnerability that would accompany it, for me.

If you feel this is a problem for you, it makes sense to talk to a professional about why you feel this way. You can always tell us as well, if you feel up to it, but we're probably not going to be able to tell you "what's wrong with you", if indeed, there is anything. About all we can do is discuss our own experiences and maybe offer some advice and support. Hope you find something here to help you.

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