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A Lil About Me...

For Starters...

Name: : Lacy J> W.

Nicknames: : Lace

Gender: : Female

Are Your Parents Still Together: : YEA

Heritage: : German, indian....something else

Religion: : Christian

Single or Taken: : Taken

Is That A Good Thing: : yup


Perfume: : blossom

Cologne: : old spice

Beer: : eww

Non-Alcoholic Drink: : water

Quote: : I can do all things through Christ who streangthens me

Feature of the Opposite Sex: : eyes teeth lips butt

Sports Team: : OSU foot ball

Pair of Shoes: : flip flops

Junk Food: : pizza

Gum: : strawberry

Have You Ever...

Been In Love: : yea

Been on a Blind Date: : yea i was 17 and i found out he was 30

Ran Out of Gas: : yup

Been Called a Tease: : all the time and im not

Been in a Major Accident: : mmm i dont htink i have

Had Alcohol Poisoning: : nope but close

Been in a Fight: : oh yea and won

Cheated: : yes im sorry!

Been Cheated On: : oh yea


Your Most Unusual Obsession: : internet/lesbians

Your Most Missed Memory: : my daddy

Your Greatest Weakness: : motivation

Your Biggest Fear: : being lost in a car on the road by myself

Your "Can't live with out" acessory : shoes

Describe Your Personal Style: : um comfy

Your Best Physical Feature: : eyes smile

Do You Love Yourself: : yes

Who is your best friend : my mom

Any Tattoos/Piercings: : ears

How Do You Want To Die: : a christian

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: : awww man.....

What Are Your Pet Peeves: : nongroomed people, loud people, inapropriet conversation for the seting your in

Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years: : a hop and a skip away

Edited by lacyjay87
2 sentences were not complet.
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A Lil About you...

For Starters...




Are Your Parents Still Together:



Single or Taken:

Is That A Good Thing:





Non-Alcoholic Drink:


Feature of the Opposite Sex:

Sports Team:

Pair of Shoes:

Junk Food:


Have You Ever...

Been In Love:

Been on a Blind Date:

Ran Out of Gas:

Been Called a Tease:

Been in a Major Accident:

Had Alcohol Poisoning:

Been in a Fight:

Cheated: :

Been Cheated On:


Your Most Unusual Obsession:

Your Most Missed Memory:

Your Greatest Weakness:

Your Biggest Fear:

Your "Can

Describe Your Personal Style:

Your Best Physical Feature:

Do You Love Yourself:

Any Tattoos/Piercings:

How Do You Want To Die:

Your First Thoughts Waking Up:

What Are Your Pet Peeves:

Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years:

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First, are YOU the one who starts all those emails that ask a billion questions and then say to send it on to a billion people? Hehehe!!!

Name: John

Nicknames: None that I know of!

Gender: Male

Are Your Parents Still Together: Yes - in heaven

Heritage: English, Irish, French, Scottish, etc. etc. etc. - (Typical mutt!)

Religion: Christian

Single or Taken: Married

Is That A Good Thing: Wait, what???


Perfume: Don't wear any!

Cologne: That either - I go with the raw scent (So that's why everyone runs away! Hehehe!!!)

Beer: No thanks

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Coke; Iced Tea

Quote: "Remember those who are having troubles, as if you were having the same troubles."

Feature of the Opposite Sex: Eyes - definitely the eyes!

Sports Team: Red Sox - Baseball (But lately, I haven't followed sports much at all)

Pair of Shoes: Sneakers

Junk Food: All of it! Pizza; Ice cream; and if ribs qualify, DEFINITLEY RIBS!!!

Gum: Pass

Have You Ever...

Been In Love: Yes and have the emotional scars to prove it

Been on a Blind Date: No - wait, YES!

Ran Out of Gas: Yes and I have the back pains to prove that! (from pushing the car!)

Been Called a Tease: No

Been in a Major Accident: Yes - almost killed - not good

Had Alcohol Poisoning: No

Been in a Fight: Yes

Cheated: No

Been Cheated On: Not as far as I know!


Your Most Unusual Obsession: Ummm... don't know!

Your Most Missed Memory: I, umm... No, I can't

Your Greatest Weakness: Easily swayed (Uh-oh; maybe I shouldn't have said that!)

Your Biggest Fear: Sorry, can't go there either; not now anyway

Your "Can Wait, what? My "Can?"

Describe Your Personal Style: An introvert trying to be an extrovert (Yeah, I'm very confused!)

Your Best Physical Feature: Wait, can I type that on a public forum? Kidding!!! I don't know - my fingers cause they make the music :)

Do You Love Yourself: Don't know - seriously, don't think I know how

Any Tattoos/Piercings: Nope

How Do You Want To Die: I'd prefer to be raptured :)

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: "5 more minutes???"

What Are Your Pet Peeves: Not enough room here! Sloppiness - I can't stand a mess! Spelling and grammar, etc.

Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years: Sitting in front of the computer, still trying to determine my most unusual obsession!

In ten years>>LOL>thats funny one!

how did you almost die?

I think you have to love yourself...if you can tlove ur self you cant love anyone..im sure you do...but i bet it is confusing sometimes...well at least that how it is for me.... :)

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i kind of hate but love these things lol so here goes.

Name: Donna-Marie

Nicknames: Little one, princess (dont ask!)

Gender: Girl

Are Your Parents Still Together: yup ..they're masochists like me lol

Heritage: ??

Religion: Aetheist

Single or Taken: Both ..kind of complicated.

Is That A Good Thing: yep :)


Perfume: CK, escape


Beer: Baileys

Non-Alcoholic Drink: black coffee

Quote: When i am good i am very very good~when i am bad i am better (mae west)

Feature of the Opposite Sex: errm...pass :)

Sports Team: England (football)

Pair of Shoes: 6 inch pink pvc thigh highs (not my feets favourite tho lol)

Junk Food: NO THANKS!!!!!

Gum: no thanks.. im kind of attached to my teeth!

Have You Ever...

Been In Love: Nope *pukes* my names Donna, not cinderella!

Been on a Blind Date: Going by some of the guys ive met i wish i had been blind lol

Ran Out of Gas: Yep, and it was bloody freezing..you mean household gas right?

Been Called a Tease: HAH i wish..anything but!!!!!!

Been in a Major Accident: yea, i was concieved

Had Alcohol Poisoning: ask me when im sober

Been in a Fight: errrm just a couple :)

Cheated: : do i have to answer this one? *ducks behind the sofa*

Been Cheated On: yea ..but i felt sorry for the other woman lol


Your Most Unusual Obsession: food and calorie shopping

Your Most Missed Memory: huh????

Your Greatest Weakness: Baileys..wish they'd make a cal free version :)

Your Biggest Fear: Getting even fatter

Your "Can err am i missing something??

Describe Your Personal Style: anything that covers me as long as its fashionable

Your Best Physical Feature: none

Do You Love Yourself: i already told you!..im not cinderella!

Any Tattoos/Piercings: 4 tats, nipple, tummy and genital piercings

How Do You Want To Die: any way except drowning or burning

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: WOW..i slept!

What Are Your Pet Peeves: fat,greed,noise, people and clutter

Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years: old, fat and grey staring at the coffin lid lol

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Car accident - person came at me going waaaay over the speed limit. Then, "something" (:)) told me to punch the accelerator and I got far enough through the intersection so the nose of the other car didn't go right through my door but instead, went into the back seat, spun the car 180 degrees in about 1/2 second, broke the rear axle and scared the living crap outta me!

Good thing God was on your side!

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For Starters...

Name: Dazed&Confuzed

Nicknames: none

Gender: Female

Are Your Parents Still Together: Mom died

Heritage: Italian, German, some other stuff

Religion: None

Single or Taken: Single

Is That A Good Thing: No


Perfume: none

Cologne: none

Beer: ew

Non-Alcoholic Drink: propel

Quote: none

Feature of the Opposite Sex: eyes

Sports Team: Michigan Wolverines!!

Pair of Shoes: Heels

Junk Food: starburst

Gum: none

Have You Ever...

Been In Love: Am now

Been on a Blind Date: yeah

Ran Out of Gas: no

Been Called a Tease: No, just flirtatious...by my therapist

Been in a Major Accident: yes

Had Alcohol Poisoning: no

Been in a Fight: no

Cheated: yup

Been Cheated On: no that I know of


Your Most Unusual Obsession: Germaphobe

Your Most Missed Memory: I don't remember alot

Your Greatest Weakness: math

Your Biggest Fear: Death

Your "Can: ???

Describe Your Personal Style: um, stylish??

Your Best Physical Feature: Eyes

Do You Love Yourself: Sometimes

Any Tattoos/Piercings: yes

How Do You Want To Die: don't want to think about it

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: "I don't want to get up"

What Are Your Pet Peeves: people who talk too much

Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years: Can't think that far ahead

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