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things are hard

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So I am not seeing any Dr's now or anyone to chat with about things, it sort of really sucks because there is just nothing I can do in these moments I can't think ok I'll bring it up next week, I really just chickened out of all of it, I can't take the meds I was given, or chat with them about it, even coming here is an anxiety hell of panic and fear and it sucks and I'm alone with all the hardness of it, I'm trying to say it will get better, have hope, but tonight it is hard. I want things to be better but I do think I need help but I'm to afraid to talk. just would like some support. I am trying really hard.:(

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Hi nightfalls,

Im sorry that things are so difficult for you right now. I know how difficult it is not being able to talk, of being anxous ans scared of opening up to someone. you have done really well, finding the courage to post here.

Maybe if you feel up to it, you could tell us a little more about how things are for you at the moment. we will try and help anyway that we can. Our support will be here waiting for you, when ever you need it.

take care


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thanks Jj

wish I could even just type it but not tonight, I started to but :( I just don't feel up to it. Not a good day. I'd like to just say STOP! to all of it but there is no point because it will not stop, this is life I just don't know how to cope with it all, all the time.

thanks for posting back though Jj

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Hi nightfalls,

Things must seem really difficult for you right now :(

If your still feeling anxious, and your feelings are starting to overwhelm you, maybe you could try some gentle relaxation, or settle down in a queit corner with a book.

Would you be able to write to your doctor, or maybe even send a email, to let them know how you are feeling, if you dont feel up to talking ? Ive sometimes done that.

Take your time hun, talk when you feel more up to it, were be here waiting when you feel ready :)

Take care


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