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soap box alert!!!


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Soap Box Alert:

As some of you know, a friend of mine who was on a humanitarian mission to Haiti died in the earthquake. We had been on several of these adventures together including a past trip to Haiti. One of my passions is to work with people who are living on the "cusp of society" so to speak. Those who have not gotten a fair shake in life and need someone to reach out a hand when doors are being slammed.

The attention being given to Haiti at this time of crisis is a great gift. Yet, the tragedy is as great as it was because so much of the world ignored this hemisphere's poorest country for so long. As we pour out our prayers and assistance for earthquake victims, I hope we can give the same attention and care to end global and systemic poverty. Perhaps the next tragedy can be avoided.

End Soap Box. Thanks for listening to my rant!!

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