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Meds success stories?


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Guest nejiwhopper

Calla, other than the unwanted weight gain and sleepiness; my meds worked great! They made my daily life so much more bearable. Your side effects should go away over time. It took about 3-4 weeks for me to adjust to mine.

Although the meds helped with the physical nature of my illness, the therapy helped with the emotional and coping.

They say the best situation is to have both meds and therapy. I've known people whose therapy was less effective without their meds. Also they would give up on the meds without giving themselves the opportunity to adjust to them.

I think one glass of wine is fine while you are on your meds, it's excessive drinking that you should avoid.

If you find the side effects of your med quite bothersome, discuss it with your doctor and see if there is something else you can be put on.

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Guest nejiwhopper

Nah....CBT isn't like that..at least not in my experience. What CBT taught me was how to recognize irrational thoughts and how to work through those thougts and turn around my though process when I had those thoughts.

Don't give up hope. Things will start turning around. It won't be overnight, you won't wake up one morning and be "normal" but over time you'll improve.

Baby steps dear Calla, baby steps.

I know how you feel about about having no one. It's lonely. But when you start feeling better, maybe you can start making new friends and make more of a life for yourself like you'd like.

Don't loose hope, stay strong. You have us all here and we'll support you through this.



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Calla, buy a nightguard to protect your teeth while you grind. I'm assuming that your teeth grinding is taking place during sleep because you can easily stop yourself while awake. Some are available at the pharmacy, and some are fashioned specifically for you by your dentist. The ones made by the dentist can be made thicker to last longer, but this depends on how hard you are grinding.

You need to protect your crowns otherwise you'll wear them down completely and have extremely sensitive teeth.

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Guest nejiwhopper

At first it's a bit of work but then it becomes second nature. I compare it to starting a workout program. At first it's so hard and so much work and a pain in the butt, but as time goes by, it's gets easier and I actually start to enjoy it and without it I feel bad. Then I start to see my progress and that helps make it all worth while.

It can help you overcome being shy and help you make new friends and help you to recognize that you are likeable.

But you are right, like with a lot of things if you go into refusing to believe it will work, you will fight it and it won't work. Instead, try going into it saying to yourself, "I want this to work." and don't fight it.

Maybe right now you just need to put the therapy at the back of your mind and wait a few weeks after you've been on your meds a little bit longer and then revisit the topic.

You are likeable....I've never met you but from talking to you on here, I like you and I would be your friend.


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Guest nejiwhopper

Oh I know how you feel about the friends site. I've done that too and felt so uncomfortable when people wanted to meet right away. I just came right out and told them that I wanted to have conversations through the site or email first and then maybe some phone calls and then arrange to meet. But I have a really hard time trusting people and making true, long term friends.

I find it easier to make friends with men than with women but then the men always want it to turn into something more, so that doesn't work either.

But I can totally relate.

So, hey, want to meet for some coffee later? jk...lol


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