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just feel like sleeping


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Guest nejiwhopper

...and you just want to go to sleep and when you wake up you don't feel like you've slept...am I right?

It's too much work to get up, shower, get dressed, go out and have to converse with people. Right now it's the equivilant of running a marathon.

I can relate. I am in this "funk" myself right now. I'm starting to panic because I've been on summer vacation and will have to go back to work on Wednesday. It's going to be so hard to do.

Depression is not just a mental thing, it is so physical too.

Are you on meds?

Hope coming here and talking with help lift you up. We're here for ya.


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Hi edelweiss,

You sound a bit spent. My friends and I call it 'walking through the desert' for too long. When I seem like I'm going to the same place as you are now, I have a checklist of needs I run through. This means asking whether I am eating healthy, eating enough meals to power through my day, exercising (even if it's just push-ups in a corner), and getting any sleep.

Do you have enough whole wheat, protein, and good fat in your diet? Try to keep away from high fructose corn syrup (pop) and too much sugar. If you do dip heavy into sugar, make sure you balance it out with some fat. A good chocolate bar is good because there's fat and sugar in a single package.

Make sure you have meals spaced out through the day. If you feel hungry, don't ignore it. If you know you are going into situations where you don't know how long you will spend there, eat beforehand.

Everyone overlooks exercise because they have something else to do or they can't be bothered. But, if you commit even half an hour to it, the value added for everything else through the day is priceless. Push ups, runs, free weights, there are many options and not all of them take time at all.

If you haven't for a while, try waking up without an alarm. You'll feel better. Don't feel obligated to take in all your sleep at once in one go either. You can split your sleep up throughout the day too. I've tried this multiphasic approach. There is a bit of an adjustment because everyone is used to sleeping in one go, but besides that it's fine. The point is to make sure you get all the sleep you need. If you normally require 8-10, snag 8-10 any way you can.

After a few days of resting up and recovering, maybe you will be in a better position to address the other stuff.

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Hi Edelweiss,

I have depression and this happens to me sometimes too, especially on weekends when there is absolutely no structure to my life and no people in my life. Sometimes I can get errands done, and sometimes I just watch terrible TV all day long, without going outside or talking to a human all day. For me, it's because I feel paralyzed because I'm overwhelmed by the tasks and the sadness. So I don't know what to do first, so I do nothing.

My therapist said the important thing is to recognize that I'm getting into a funk, and to do something to change my surroundings. She said the best thing for me is to go for a walk: (1) It'll change my surroundings, which will get my mind thinking about something else. (2) It'll give me sunshine, which could elevate my mood. (3) It'll get my heart rate up and give me a bit of exercise-induced serotonin. (4) It's easy -- no preparation required other than putting on shoes (I don't mind walking in my pajamas).

And she said if it helps me turn my mind so I can do something else, great -- but even if I come back and end up watching TV for the whole rest of the day anyway, at least I got a walk! lol :)

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Hi again

Thanks for the suggestions, I should not say this but one of the things that I feel is that I cannot talk or complaint to anybody, people would think I am stupid.

Today I made a list of thing to do (as ridiculous) as having shower, making lunch, going to the gym, cleaning the house....

I feel overwhelmed with my life: my boss keeps insulting me and pushing me to work more, my sister tried to kill herself, my family is completely lost, my grandparents are well... (they are 92), I have an ex that still abuses me (my fault!!!) what do I do first? I am so exhausted... the good think is I started crying, when I read the comments here:o

I am dreaming about my summer holidays (alone and just one week)

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Guest SomethingOrOther

I make lists like that sometimes and I think it's a good place to start. Sometimes I make them afterwards, when I sit around and think "I've done nothing all day", I go and write, I got up, took a shower, cooked something, ate it... it all takes some time and it's all important for me in a way. Well, maybe that I take showers is also important for other people.

So first you do everything you need to do for yourself. And only then you think about what you can do for others. Because if you try that the other way round it doesn't work. :(

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Guest SomethingOrOther

Oh. :( Can you tell your boss that it would significantly increase your productivity, if he could be a bit more constructive in his criticism? :eek:

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It's fine to be frank edelweiss, I doubt any of us think you are stupid either. Given what you are going through, it is not surprising that you feel so spent. Desert indeed! Right now you really need dessert! That was awful, I know.

Somethingorother has the right approach about your boss. I also found a CNN article you may find useful.

A good principle when you have many things that you need to take care of is to just do any one. Either pick at random or decide some other means of selecting the task to begin first. You have a great deal on your plate, so a list of things you need to do on a daily basis is smart. The trick is to maintain that list. If you can do so, then you will get the greatest benefit out of it.

Oh, and yes, the gym is a good idea. It can make up for that dessert.:(

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Guest nejiwhopper

Oh Edelweiss, I'm sorry your boss is being so hard on you and not easy to please. I know how that feels. Like no matter what you do, it's never good enough. Unfortunately in today's economy, most of us can't afford to do what that one flight attendant did and just walk off the job (or in his case, slide down the emergency slide).

Can you go back to your boss and maybe explain that you thought it was what he was needing but since it isn't, that he be more specific or clarify what is needed?

Just know that you are doing the best that you possibly can at this moment. You have a lot on your plate and have a difficult life. Don't be hard on yourself.

Here's a cyber hug {{ }}


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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Edelweiss,

I think it is important that you understand that your problems and feelings are NOT STUPID. Stop putting yourself down. You can try by reminding yourself that "I am not stupid, I am smart but depressed," evey time you have that negative thought.

What about the idea of seeing your MD or a psychiatrist for anti depressant medication until you feel better? Depression makes it difficult to concentrate and focus at work and elsewhere. As for your therapist, would she work with you via E. Mail or using Skype??


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everybody

I finally had my week of holidays, in a sunny beach in Greece, it was just wonderful!!! I really love the sea and being able to look at it and swim in it, better than any antidepressant I can take. I arrived two days ago to Brussels (no sea, no sun, cold) and I going down fast. Tomorrow I go back to work and the idea is killing me. It is not the work itself, is the fights with my co-workers, the shouts and insults of my boss, I can feel my heart beating loudly in my head...

I just feel like catching the first plane out of here :(

I am afraid that in a few days I will be exactly where I left of...

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