58corvette Posted January 8, 2011 Report Posted January 8, 2011 I originally got back on site to post a little thought about My Son; but first Ifelt I had to Reply to another Post in which a quote of mine was used only in good Faith & Meaning.Anyway while watching my Son just kind of Not Here in regards to his emotional being & sleeping & struggling I finally broke Down & Cried for & about Him.I feel so bad for Him; He Deserves so much better than what I have been able to Provide for Him & at 27yrs. old with his Addiction & Pain I feel so bad for Someone who is so Full Of Life & Has so much to give People & this World.God knows I would & will do anything in the World to make this Beautiful Person (MY SON) Life better & take away his Pain. I am so sorry I have'nt been able to Provide More & Do more for Him & his Condition.I Pray so Hard is able to get through this Nightmare. I still know "Intervention" will Save his Life. Believe me if all Of you knew the True Soul of MY SON you would Love him in ways I do.I will Continue to Do, Hope & Pray my best for him. I just cant lose any more of those I Love So Very Much.Thanx All of You for me just to have a Place to Vent. One thing about My Dad is he always had a Hard time telling us he Loved Us. So when my Older Brother Died when I was a Teenager I told myself then that when I become a Dad Myself I will always tel those I Love "I LOVE YOU". And I have.As my Dad got older he did'nt have to say I Love You. I just knew in his own way he did. So "I LOVE YOU TO DAD" & I will always Miss you.
58corvette Posted January 8, 2011 Author Report Posted January 8, 2011 Just as an added byline to & for All My Dear Children;Earlier Tonight I texted my Twin Son who was in a Major Head On Collision two Thanksgiving's ago & is now permanently Dissabled. I asked him from that accident he has been able to focus better & be more settled, Happy & Content with his life. I am so Proud of Him. I asked what he felt about God & the Afterlife.Of course he replied in a thoughtful way & let me know how Ironic it was I asked him at this time; because he is doing a Paper on just that subject in one of his college classes. Anyway I suggested to him to watch "Defending Your Life" a Movie made a few yrs. back with Meryl Streep. I Love that Movie. Has a lot of meaning & thought in it.My Daughter what can I say; My Twins were Two Months Premature & only 3lbs. each when they were born. The first Month & Half of their Lives was spent in Hospital. I went everyday to see them while working 7 day rotating shifts. It was & is worth every second of that.Anway My Daughter has Always Been Full Of Life & Vigor. Very Tough but Feminine at the same time. The First Female Football Player on Her High School Team. From the Original Ultrasound we knew we had another Son but they could not tell the Sex of the other Twin?My Twin Son came out first. He was out of sack for three days while my ex struggled with labor. I was there for here at all times. Anyway 17 minutes later which seemed like a lifetime; Out comes the next Baby; I look & I almost hit the Roof I had my Baby Girl. I Love You So Much Sweety; Thank You both for Enriching My Life!!!
randomperson Posted January 8, 2011 Report Posted January 8, 2011 Very touching posts. It is amazing sometimes how often when you ask "God where are you?" Something very tiny happens just like you mentioned, and it totally refreshes you. Not that it even happens everytime.. but the times it does it happens in such a way that it touches your heart and the very core of who you are.
CantGiveItAway Posted January 8, 2011 Report Posted January 8, 2011 I'm alittle bit younger than your son and let me say that I'm not a very good son. In my opinion at 27 years old all you can do as a father is be there for support and tell him how your views on things and keep communication open. If he is not very receptive your going to be banging against a wall because he's going to do what he chooses. Keep reaching out to him. It may mean more than you know.
58corvette Posted January 8, 2011 Author Report Posted January 8, 2011 Thank you for your replys & Thoughtful, Insightful Suggestions.Means a lot to me & always appreciated. I will continue to Hope, Believe & reach out the best I can.Sincerely; Jim
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