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MRI (magnetic resonanse imagining) can help diagnosing bipolar disorders. I definitely want to do that.

And i need results. I was wondering when could be the level of mania highest..? It must be high so that something shows

In my case when i'm manic my mind and everything is extremely irritated, i feel great flow of energy inside me, and i just want to crush something. To throw, break something so badly. But then again - if i do, then from all my heart, all my power, just smash and break down everything. I'm angry and SO irritated. Instead of actually doing that, usually i turn on loud music on my headphones and i listen to very dinamic, club music and i just get lost in it.

I turn my energy in to another way. After listening to this kind of music i change it into some deep and personal peace. It makes me feel so wise, deep and strong, cristal clear. This feeling that i know everything and the moment when things get so clear make me feel calm and pretty good.

So i'm wondering when the level of mania is highest.. When i actually DO what i feel (jelling at ppl, being sarcastic, being angry about something, actually breaking something down or simply going crazy) or when i feel all that and i TRY to don't express it, keep it inside me.?

What is your experience like?

I want better results that my manic depression will be obvious for my doctor. I have it, i know, my nearest knows. But it's hard to prove that to doctors, they usually don't want to make diagnosis.

Have anyone done MRI? Was it helpful?

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hi, why do u think a doctor woudlnt want to make a diagnosis?

well i dont really know about ur mania.

but i dont sleep in days sometimes and ussually speak fast, and i speak think speak speak speak think think, jump, run, walk, jump, maybe fight, get slapped, do something really stupid, wont stay still for a moment and think that the world is mine and that i own a 7-leaf clover laugh laugh and laugh wo jojo like santa, go to the hospital to get pills or injection and sleep at home for a day or two. and thats it. maybe get depressed after that.

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hi, thanx a lot for your reply!

well i dont really know about ur mania.

Do you feel that i'm not manic after reading my describtion about my case..?

I carry these feelings every day. They are SO strong and intense that i crush every day. And also i sleep for days sometimes.

Before i got maryed i was crazy - super energetic, working every day and nights too, doing art, design, feeling i'm the greatest, the best, was writting my own scientific theories about spiritual stuff and destiny like a crazy. I'm in a buss for example and sudenly i NEED to grab a pen and paper and write down my feelings/ideas, then running home as fast as possible. And first thing i do i trhow down my bags, grab paper, pen and write and write and can't stop. Was feeling euophoric for 2 weeks, feeling like a supermodel or something then deeply depressed, wanting to die. Feeling like i'm the best girl on earth, every men's dream and i can posses you just with one look. When someone got atracted by me i felt like "who do you think you are" and that no one is good enough for me. I felt like the misterious rose or something. I felt i know something that no one else does, i believed i have special powers etc.

When one day i woke up and got shut up. I started my life together with THE man. Finally i met someone greater than me. So i tryed to chill down that diva inside me, but she's so wild. I tryed not to argue, not to be sarcastic, not to bring him under me, not to act like "you know who i am!", he's not the kind who tolerates this kind of stuff. cause he's the one who tells the rules. And i wanted to be with him, i tryed, it was really hard. There was drama but i knew i can't jell at HIM so instead of that often i was leaving the dinner table by throwing my fork away, running to bedroom and crying like crazy, was feeling misunderstood etc. One day he told me. Day when i was ready to know. After forcing myself to be in balance i started to feel like i'm dieing. I was feeling so sick and paralized, So he told me that i should turn to specialist cause i have strong depression. I got to know that i was crying and laughing every night, had nightmares, panick attacks, illusions. Daytime was spending hours sitting on the ground in kitchen, dining room, bedroom, everywhere , crying same time. Often when he "woke" me up in these situations i was talking strange "language". He talked about work i talked about moon, was gone with the wind. Was talking about strange things. Was falling deep in sleep before we were about to go out. Being very high and low. The best part - i have no memories about that. I was laughing when he told me about that, it was something unreal for me. But it was not funny for him at all...

So is this how a girl of dreams look like lol. Everybody else was gona run! I thought i am someone and had many goals and planns but in reality i can't handle that. and who actually am i - nobody :)

Got diagnose - depression. Started to take prozac.

It has helped - i don't act strangely, am aware and it took away the physical symptoms.

I feel more depressed, sleep like all the time, can't do nothing. When ever i get manic - i can't express it/can't let it be. Cause i get manic late in evenings and all night long.(daytime can't get out of bed) I mean i can't make noise nightime!!! And often there are many nasty things i just burn to say, i know if i do, that will mean goodbye. I don't want it. After all, he opened my eyes, saved my life, took care of me and still despite everything loves me.

I also quit studyes, am unable to work.. I have no peace, feeling so restless, pressed down, when i think i think about everything at the same moment, then all those things crush together, i get unable to think and do nothing, i switch off, fall asleep. I think many things, i don't know what. Feeling confused, lost. I strugle everyday and i'm not functioning at all. I got better, but feel worse.

So.. I don't know, doctors are afraid to make wrong diagnosis. And it's my fault too - i never knew what to say to doctor. They don't know me. I also can be normal and logical sometimes. I don't know, should i play theater for doc? beside now they see one super depressed person but they have no idea what is going on in my mind. It's TOO much, too much that i can't express.. I give up.

Do you stil think that manicdepression isn't my diagnose..?

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May I know where do you have this information from..?

I've been reading a lot and came to conclusion that MRI is better than CT.. but who knows:eek:

So here is the link i found before posting all this.. : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0447.1997.tb10146.x/abstract

And just now, accidentaly i found this webpage... : http://sites.google.com/site/depressiondatabase/ and also http://sites.google.com/site/bipolardatabase/

what do you think...?

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I don't know anything about bipolar disorder or MRI but I have found that dealing with doctors and psychologists to get an accurate diagnosis, and then an effective treatment, can be very difficult. :confused:

I looked at your reply to eppursimuove and then the criteria for bipolar disorder and I agree, it does look like that to me. Of course, I’m just here on the internet and so what do I know? I know that despite what professionals say, sometimes we have to do our own diagnosing – using information from friends and loved ones, too. I would never be where I am today if I hadn’t taken the advice of a friend who had had a dissociative disorder, recognized my symptoms when my therapist did not, and referred me to a specialist that she knew in our area.

How is your relationship with your doctor in general? What is your diagnosis currently?

When I first started seeing my current psychiatrist (who diagnosed only major depression), he was sort of huffy and superior and . . . well, I was pretty depressed and didn’t know what to do and so I was sort of dependent, I guess.

Now we have more of a partnership. He asks what I think about my current level of medication, etc.

I don’t know the personality of your doctor but is it possible that he would be willing to have more of a partnership with you, too?

Just some thoughts, may not help, wishing you the best, though.

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hi Medlem, ive red ur first post and not the the others ones or what ppl answered u, to long to read ive read the thing under quotes and ur getting me wrong i am not a doctor, therapist, psyc, etc. when i say ur manias we are all diferrent ppl and diferrent lvl of illness ill put my mother for example ive seen her not sleep for a week i can feel we have the samething but she starts alucinating an see things, i dont get these type of things maybe paranoic but i dont see planes under our foot or deemons in the kitchen. she has a different age than mine and a more advanced illness, so i think u must read my answer again and try to get the best out of it.

i am not saving this illness for me, i will gladly givit away.

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May I know where do you have this information from..?

I've been reading a lot and came to conclusion that MRI is better than CT but who knows:eek:

what do you think...?

First I go to the Wikipedia. I realize the Wikipedia isn't 100% all the time. Then I read other websites to confirm that the Wikipedia article is accurate.

Not all Scans are for the same thing. In your case the Quack would have a MRI done to rule Seizures and Physical Brain Damage.

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eppursimuove, thanx for sharing your experience. I am not looking for a doctor on this website, just wanted to know what others think/feel..

Thank you DD for sharing your thoughts! Made me feel warm.


When I first started seeing my current psychiatrist (who diagnosed only major depression), he was sort of huffy and superior and . . . well, I was pretty depressed and didn’t know what to do and so I was sort of dependent, I guess.

Same here, i just feel it's not simple moderate depression, which is my diagnosis still.. You're right, we really need to to do our own diagnosing sometimes. So i beieve i have all information and i'm preparing to make my self clear little by little. I'm bad at talking, so i'll write some letters and let the doctor read and think a bit. By the way one of my letters could be epursimuoves first reply to me, that sound pretty good, convincing lol THANX.!


HERE is some very nice information that i found today :) :

•Magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy may provide vital information in the diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

•Using MR spectroscopy on bipolar patients, radiologists detected four regions of the brain with significant differences in several brain chemicals.

I guess it's best i don't think much, do MR and then lets see..

Today i got tired of all this. Thought "who cares" going crazy about this doesn't help.

I got to trust to the doc.

My fault too.. i'm running to different doctors, mostly get angry and dissapointed. Now again i'll see new doctor, thought to start it fresh. This time i give up - i'm gona listen, i have also prepared some materials - letters. With big help of this website.

I give up, i have nothing to lose, got tired too.

prozac doesn't harm me, so it's ok.

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hello medlem i havent take the time to read or writte properly lately, i do know that u have more or less chance of being bipolar if one of ur parents is bipolar "genitcs". also i think its common that bipolars appeal to alcohol or druggs, got depresions and at least 1 mania episode(if not would probably be depression, unipolar, dont know what else, etc), the need to do stuff lots of energy and activitys. these are some facts i think.

running from doctor to doctor will lower ur chance of a good diagnosis, ive went over 1 year to a psychiatrist and almost 1 1/2 year to a psychologist(they work toggether) so my initial diagnosis is bipolar, initial he said to me but not last.

so i will recomed to u going to a good therapist and let this person work, give them time. i dont know ur resourses but i go to a mental hospital i get free atenttion (and i pay a shrink on the other side that works in the same hospital with my psychiatrist) but i can tell their dedicated persons, this is what u need to look for i think, and if u have money then pay for a good therapist maybe a woman if u feel u cant speak everything to a male therapist, and not a really young person someone with some experience with ppl, someone grown-up but uptodate, this is my opnion.

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HERE is some very nice information that i found today :) :

•Magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy may provide vital information in the diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

•Using MR spectroscopy on bipolar patients, radiologists detected four regions of the brain with significant differences in several brain chemicals.

Does that information come from a credible source?

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