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Dealing with lack of understanding.


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I kind of just have to post this to get it out of my system. I'm feeling very weird tonight. Not really depressed or too obsessive. I'm just thinking about what's lead me to where I am! I've thought about my life and feelings (but not in a pessimistic way). I've thought about how I can change the way I think, and embrace myself. I've realised I need to stop blaming the world, and look inside myself. As I'm feeling very numb at the moment I can;t really work much out, I just need a good cry, though I feel the medication I am on is preventing that from happening, which makes me want to stop taking it. I'd rather be depressed and able to feel, than numb! To understand the way I feel now, and who I am do I need to look back on my past, and question things? Or do I just move on. Moving on is hard when you don't see a clear path.

My overall mood at the moment is just wishing for sunshine and happiness. Wishing to stop worrying about everything, and just live! I know the sun is there, it's just some days it doesn't come out - most days it doesn't come out! I guess I've found my answer, what I really need to work on is being happy!

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Hi, CB. How are things?

I've thought about how I can change the way I think' date=' and embrace myself. [/quote']

Sounds like a beautiful plan. :)

To understand the way I feel now' date=' and who I am do I need to look back on my past, and question things? Or do I just move on. Moving on is hard when you don't see a clear path.[/quote']

I think this depends on what fits best for you. It helped me to look at my past and understand, but some would prefer to simply move forward in the now. What works best for you? Perhaps you create the path as you walk forward? That requires some faith and belief in yourself, but you can do it. What do you think?

I know the sun is there' date=' it's just some days it doesn't come out - most days it doesn't come out![/quote']

What if you were to focus more of your energy on the sun rather than the clouds? It doesn't have to mean denying the existence of clouds, but it might keep you from growing comfortable in the darkness.

Keep challenging yourself, CB. Have a peaceful day.

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