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Mental Support Community

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We are hoping to gather some information from our members about your experiences here at MentalHelp.net forums. We are always looking for ways to improve the function of our community. What better way to do that then to ask our members?

Positives? Negatives? Suggestions?

I will admit that I started out at Psychcentral. After some time, though, I found myself coming here more and more and going there less and less. I enjoyed the intimacy of this forum and felt more comfortable here.

If you are comfortable with sharing, we’d like to hear what you have to say. :)

Thank you.

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I like this community because members can post to different areas of the forum and as well as about their personal situations in the blogs. This helps us to see people as people. Depression can come with anxiety and personality issues and relationship problems, for instance.

Something I would like to see, but may be unique to me – I’ll toss it out anyway. I’m recovering, I think, from my mental health issues but I’m a new person in a lot of ways and don’t know how I come off to other people. Kindergartners tell each other this kind of stuff and adolescents, too. But I never went to kindergarten and I “failed” adolescence due, perhaps, to an abuse incident with an uncle when I was 13 and underlying family interactions from when I was 4 ½ and 5 and earlier.

What would you think about a new section in the forum called “socialization” where people could post comments and feedback for members who have indicated that they want that? I do understand that people who don’t want that kind of thing might feel uncomfortable but I, for one, would like it and have not been able to find it in any in-person support or therapy groups. Just a thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was reading this forum for some time and i decide to register. I think this is very good way to start from somewhere to help people. People can see a lot of good signs from where to start their mental "cleaning" how i would call it. So many threads, messages and informations and most important- knowledge! I decide to start contribute on this forum because of my personal experience about mental illness. That experience is based on very close family member.

What i want to say that this forum is one huge community that CAN and WILL help people who have will to accept that help.

Smile! :(

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