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Hi Everyone,

I would like to introduce myself. I am 54 years old, and have struggled with anxiety and depression since I was quite young. I was only diagnosed six years ago, well after my first son was diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses. I watched both my boys struggle (I have 3 children), and fought to understand and get them the help they needed, and then to educate the educators, almost losing myself in the process. I have been on meds in the past, but curently I am not taking any prescription meds for the anxiety or depression. I found the side effects to be intolerable, and I tried many different medications.

The loneliness feels unbearable sometimes! I have been under the care of a gifted Social Worker for the past 3/1-2 years.

Kind regards,


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Hello, Maria. Welcome to our community.

I'm sorry you are feeling lonely. :( Do you have any friends or family there that you could spend time with?

It's always so hard watching our children struggle. It sounds like you did everything you could to help your sons find their way to healing.

Are you able to get out and do things that bring you pleasure? Meditation and mindfulness exercises have greatly reduced my anxiety. I also enjoy being outside in nature. This feels connective and calming. What activities soothe you?

It's great that you are getting help for yourself. I hope you will continue to express yourself here as well, if you find it helpful. I hope you feel better.

Take gentle care.

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Hi IrmaJean,

Thanks for the welcome! My sister is struggling with the suicide loss of her oldest daughter (two years ago) and can barely make it through her days, and two of my friends are struggling with issues of depression over loss of a family member and have withdrawn, despite my attempts to contact them just to go for a cup of coffee or tea. My other friends work full-time and don't have much time for anything besides their own families.

I do try and get out, even if it's just to have lunch at a local sandwich shop to be out among people. I love being out in nature and love to garden, but there isn't much I can do in the yard with the weather. I have three cats and a dog, who bring me joy, and my music (I play in a percussion ensemble once a week at the local junior college, but it's just not enough any longer. The loneliness is overwleming, even though I am trying to do positive things for myself such as aerobic/cardio exercise three times a week on exercise equipment I have in the basement, and deep breathing exercises. I also take Omega 3 supplements, as well as several other my therapist suggested. How do you get through the long days?

Maria :(

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There is much sadness and loss in your life with family and friends. :( Is it possible that you and your sister could help one another heal? Does it help you to reach out to others who are hurting?

How do you get through the long days?

I stay very busy with family and work, but I have been learning also to make time for myself. I take online courses, which stimulate my mind and also bring me great joy. I come here to support others who are in pain and this soothes my soul. I also blog a lot when I'm here. I enjoy expressing and learning about myself, and striving for new growth and positive change. I'm married and have 2 children at home as well as my dad several days a week and we have a dog...Despite this, I have at times felt twinges and pangs of loneliness. I have found that, for me, this has been about wanting to express different parts of myself and to connect and share these parts with others. I have many friends now, I share and express myself often, and I don't feel loneliness very often any longer...

You are making efforts to help yourself and this is positive. I'm sorry you are feeling lonely. :( What happens if you sit with your feelings of loneliness and try to hear what the pain is telling you? What hurts and what is missing? What relieves the pain?

Are there ways you can connect with your inner light and joy? Sometimes it really helps me to do something self-connective that brings me joy. Every person is unique and different, though, and you will find what works best for you. In the meantime, we are always happy to know more about you, if you are comfortable with sharing. I hope the weather where you live improves soon so you are able to enjoy the outdoors and your garden.

Take care, Maria.

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