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Had a fight with father & broke his laptop...

My father has problems like narcissistic p.d. & other mental issues, and because of this he has a horrible personality. He is just the worst person in the world. Dont even like him in the same room, I find him so obnoxious. I just had a fight with him, and I wanted him to admit something wrong he was doing, & I told him if he doesnt, I would break his computer. He told me to go ahead & I did. Some time back I realised what he was trying when he told me to go ahead. He challenged me t



I hate my life

I feel like shit today. I feel lonely. well, I am lonely. I hate to be lonely. I wish I had someone to talk to. If I had only one friend it would made so much difference. I see people on facebook having even 500 friends, and here I am, I dont even have one person to talk to. I hate my life- this was a line I would repeat to myself a lot a few years back. Now this line has become kind of an understatement. I wish I had a better childhood. I had such a horrible childhood. I was lonely, and I was b



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