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Dear Mom

Dear Mom, I wish you loved me. Perhaps if you did life would be more bearable. I mean I'm sure you love me to some degree, but I wish you would love me like other mothers love their kids. I wish you would show me that you love me. That you care, that even if I continue to be a total failure in life, you will still give me a big hug when you see me. I wish I didn't have to provoke the love out of you all the time. I mean only my brother will sometimes be the one to openly hug me. No one else will



Coping with Loneliness

So a week ago I was distraught. Really badly. But now I find myself happy. Its like if I hold out long enough I can feel happy and satisfied. I can feel okay. Its like when I walked home from school. I had nothing to drink or eat all day and I walked 4 miles home. I was dying of thirst by the time I got home. I wanted to quit. Give up. But it was hot out and I had no money and didn't want to wait for my father to pick me up. So I kept walking. I got home and drank 3 full glasses of water. Anywa



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