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trying to see the whole picture.

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failure report card came

My 3rd quarter grades Advanced Calculus 96 AP English 92 US History 45 Honors Chemistry 98 Oceanography 92 Technology 94 Phys ED Pass Well my report card came yesterday and I really suck I did horribly. I've never failed a class before and to have failed so miserably. It's not even like I got a 60 or something which I still would not be happy about but at least it would have ah suppose it doesn't really matter..a fail is just that a fail. It's not as if I didn't know it was coming kind of hope



sharpening my pencil

After hearing several suggestions for me to begin a BLOG, I've decided to give it a go. When I was a little kid I loved to draw, color basically anything artsy kept me busy for hours upon hours. One of my all time favorites though out of all the crayons,paints, sand and play doh connect the dots coloring pages were by ultimate favorite. A lot of times it was easy to figure out what the picture would be of but not always. I remember trying really hard to keep my pencil lines straight and to not



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