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The Most Amazing Thought

I know that this comes in many forms but I read a few weeks ago, "Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is." I have been soul searching about being a member of the website, about coming to the website at all. God is first always in my life, every day, every minute, every second. My faith is a faith of the old ways. I believe that there can be balance between those of faith, those that think they have faith and those who have no faith, want no faith but it is

Guest GingerSnap

Guest GingerSnap

wher do you find some relief

It's close to 3am and my mind won't slow down. This may sound strange but what helps a person whom has lost their traditional faith. I lost my brother last October and nothing eases my sou. Such searing pain runs straight to my heart. it is forever broken and nothing will ever be the same..I think humans have to come back until we reach a certain level, then we are done. We are all energy that never dies. I hope their is no heartache then. I'm so bummed.



how to list a blog. depression, ptsd. greif, dealing w/ suicide. I got em all

I had parents that were alcoholics, my mom a diagnose schizophrenic sociopathic. One of the dangerous types. My dad abused us sexually. My mom hated sex and if it can be passed to someone, even her own children then consider it done. My Dad became ill, terminal throat cancer and started to waist away. My mom drags home a new boyfriend who is also an offender. My mom was so very violent and the fights were life threatening. Day after x-mas I turned 16, we lived in the country and all 5 of us kids



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