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My husband died

33 days ago my husband died and yet it still at times hits me as just being absolutely impossible. 32 years together and this is where it ends - regardless of the facts as he and I saw them - I guess that means death trumps all. There is this bizarre sub thinking process that existed always in my head - that "things will work out" type of thought. He certainly could not vanish at this point of his life because he had tons of unfinished business - especially in the relationship area and so we ha

Say Again

Say Again

Domestic Violence

My step son and his wife have been involved in domestic violence again. The children suffer so much. I always approach these things with the thought that if I think enough I should find the answers. We all play our roles and repeat this cycle over and over and over again. WTF is my role again? Oh yes, the idiot! I give up - I just give up.

Say Again

Say Again

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