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I start moving into my apartment today. I feel bad because last night I fell off a ladder at work and screwed my back and shoulder up so I'm going to be useless carrying stuff. My boss's brother refuses any kind of payment 2 for moving me and 4 the storing of my stuff this past week. I think I'll buy some steaks and beer maybe a giftcard 4 him and every1 who's helping? I mean I just can't believe there r people this nice n the world. My boss well my boss's boss has been an angel. I feel safe. I feel like I can b me and it will b ok. How do u repay someone 4 that? I mean I can't even tell any1 here how nice and great she's been because then it can be construed as favoritism. It just feels nice to feel safe.

PS If by some chance my soon to b ex ever stumbles on this he can suck a nut. I'm sorry I ever deleted anything because I was worried about him seeing it. :cool:


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