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:DI'm so happy to be home! Been very sick and one of my bosses had another employee take me to the hospital Tuesday morning. Got to the hospital fever of 103.4, couldn't breathe, throat was bleeding from coughing so much, sinus infection, inner ear infection etc etc...

So I've been in the hospital since Tuesday got out Saturday. Still a little fuzzy headed but feel 1000% better.

Had viral and bacterial infections at the same time. Let me tell you I think the body should not be able to get sick from more than one thing at a time.:mad:

I was in the same hospital as my friend so her hubby stopped by to see me a few times. He teased me and said I had to get better because he wanted to have at least one person to visit that wasn't in the hospital:rolleyes:

Well hopefully that does it for awhile and I can stay healthy now.


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