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No more AP



Slept without seroquel last night. Took two sleeping pills though. I used to think a sleeping pill hangover was bad but it's a mild inconvenience next to a seroquel hangover. I feel like myself again, the good as well as the bad. Almost got Risperdal script filled but pharmacy doesn't have as low of a strength as was written and I can't be arsed to go take my script across town to the pharmacy that has it. I was going to see if it did any better for the anxiety but it also makes you hungry and tanks your libido, so I am not sure if I even want to take it.

One thing I've noticed is that I really do have some shit wrong upstairs. I sometimes think that I can find meaning in noise, as if I could decode some language that the air conditioner is speaking to me. Of course I realize this is not real and I don't actually get as far as thinking I understand, but in a high stress situation it might go badly if multiple factors come together. Having that stuff go away when I was on Seroquel makes the part that I took for granted more apparent. I never really noticed it because it's been that way as long as I can remember.

Still taking a high dose of Wellbutrin. The cholinergic supplements seem to be making the nicotine cravings less pervasive but that could just be placebo effect.


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