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Getting Very Tired



This is my first blog. I am having a hard time talking on here now. Don't know exactly why, things that have come back to haunt, my daughters problems, surgeries can deal with that, raising hell with my mom's lawyers today, having to call a plumber at 2:30 a.m. because my water heater blew now remember my mouth has been wired shut & will be for 2 more weeks to keep my jaw aligned, I can't imagine being the guy on the other end of the phone. First he said what the hell finally had to kinda blow my words somehow it worked because he came out right away and put in a new one. It to me is rite now just interesting to me to stay on here and read I just can't explain why I'm having a hard time now expressing on here. I know there is no judgement it's a feeling that you can't describe maybe scared which isn't like me. Seem paranoid. Seeing new therapist this Thursday met her to feel her out hopefully I will finally get help that I desperetly need. This last practice just was weird. I have only changed practices one time in 18yrs. Well I guess I'll go hope to get some responses to see why I'm acting like this now?


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Leo, I wish I had the answers for you. I don't. I do know how you feel though, in a bit different way. I can't seem to express myself in person when I am angry. That is the only one that I seem unable to express myself in person. I express anger on here when I feel I need to. Not in person and I don't know why. I don't know if it will help you to blog, it seems to help me. Keep doing it if it helps.

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You are going through so much right now that it would be hard not to feel tired. I saw on another post that you have panic attacks, and I know how those go. I find it's useful to empathize calming down at least once a day, for me usually at night. Light some candles, listen to jazz or whatever calming music you prefer, and try to just push everything out of your mind, if even for a little while. Just relax, breathe, and be. It really does help, and sometimes after having a really good relaxing session, I find myself giggling hysterically about my plight. Because we are only online and not face to face, all I can offer is that you are not alone. People do understand...For whatever that is worth.

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Hi Leo,

Sounds like the upcoming change in therapists has got you nervous. You put a lot of time and effort into the old one. Maybe you're at the "don't get your hopes up" stage. Where you are excited about the change because it might just be the answer, but you just don't want to be disappointed. I sure know that feeling. I don't know if that's it but thought I'd share in case that speaks to you.

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