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Have to still Wait



It's a shame that I have to wait another month exact day July 7th to see new med doctor. I'm use to waiting for myself for things but rite now I am again saying to myself what the hell you should be use to it. Also I have been feeling strongly for some reason that I don't have much longer to be here! It's weird but, hey shit happens.

very angry at my mom should be ashamed to say but, why am I taking care of her when she never took care of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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How comes you have to wait that long to see a med doctor ?

Thats really not fair - cant you say its an emergency, and get a sooner apointment.

Sorry if I sound ignorant I dont know how the medical system works in your country.

Were here and listening, it may help to talk ?

take care

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I just changed to a new practice yesterday. Met with new therapist but, Dr. didn't have an opening until July 7th

And you don't sound ignorant. I would say the same to you because I don't know the medical system over there!!!!

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Oh Okay Thanks :o

Couldnt you try swing a emergency appointment ?

Might be worth a try.

Im sorry your feeling so depressed :rolleyes:

Would it help you to talk about some of the things that you are feeling angry about ?

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What my daughter is going through having to take care of my mom who never really took care of me. With all the craziness that is in my mind just wanting to run away & never come back. Which by the way I almost did the other day!

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Hi Leo,

Im sorry I know how difficult it is to be a full time carer for a relative. Its very draining and exhausting - but it also has its moments where its not so tiresome. My heart goes out to your daughter.

It must be real annoying though for you, coz your seeing all the care your daughter gives to your mum, and it just cuts deep coz your mum never cared for you.

I cant imagine the way that must hurt you deep inside at times. I didnt get on with my mum at all, sheeze she didnt have a caring bone in her body. And I think it would anger me some what if one of my kids looked after her.

I can understand you wanting to do a runner - Im often tempted myself - But where would you run too, sure you can run away from whats happening in the world around you but there is no escape from yourself, and the same problems would still be there when you came back, or even if you didnt, they would still be on your mind. Trust me Ive tried.

Sorry Im not helping much if at all, just know that we are listening and we do care.

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No you don't understand I'm having to take care of my mom. My daughter is disabled I'm taking care of her also but, I am saying why am I having to take care of my mom when she didn't give a damn about me. I had to grow up on my own starting at the age of 12 she was gone on job. Dad I really didn't care where he was he was a drunk. Kinda bitter ain't I

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That's rough Leo. Can you try to answer your own question here, which is "Why do I have to take care of my Mom?" Give all your reasons. Maybe we can come up with some solutions.

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As I see on the forum I posted it states I put to much weight in peoples opinions! I personally don't give a G-- Damn for that comment maybe that's why some people post that they are humiliated and angered. I have the rite to my opinion & it wasn't an opinion IT WAS A DAMN FACT!!!!!!!!!!!

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