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February 2nd, 2012

Today is my parent's 25th wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary, mom and dad. :(

But today is a not so happy day for the woman I babysit for...

BACK STORY! - Okay, so before I moved here, I starting talking with this woman that my boyfriend's roommate knew. I had told her I was looking for a part-time babysitting job to just help me a little while I was in school. She is an independent contractor and works all kinds of events here in Florida, and so does her husband. So they needed someone to watch their 17 month old daughter. They offered to pay me 50-60 dollars a day, and usually about 3-4 days a week. Of course I wasn't going to pass this up. It's extra money, and I don't have to pay taxes out of it. :o

So long story short, I talked with her on the phone and through skype 2 months before I moved here. When I moved here I started watching the baby about 2 weeks later. She's the absolute best child. And the parents are amazing too.


I was scheduled to watch the baby tonight from 3pm-8pm. Well... last night, around 12:00am, Kelly (the mom) texted me and informed me that her and her husband were now going through a separation process, and that she wouldn't be working tomorrow because she needed time to collect herself. Of course I responded telling her how sorry I was, and that if I could be of any help for her to just let me know. She told me she was devastated, and just needed some time. I have no idea what happened... and I don't want to call her right away either. She told me that she wanted him to leave immediately, and that he wouldn't be around when I babysit on Friday. I feel horrible, and I'm not sure if I should call her and offer her someone to talk to or what. I hope she's alright. I know she just wants to be strong for her baby, but sometimes, we just have to let it all out.


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Yah, but correspondingly, sometimes we have to wait until they're ready to do it.

Patience. :-) Maybe let her know you'd be willing to talk, and let it go at that. Which is what you said you were going to do, I know.



I agree with malign Kayla. I think sometimes people need their space. You just want to be helpful but maybe you are being most helpful by waiting for her to come to you. She knows you are there. Just give it time.

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