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Blog Kayla

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(: <3

Hi everyone! I haven't posted in a few months, and so much as happened. I've been blogging on the site tumblr. If you have one, follow me and send me an ask telling me you're from here! http://kayxa.tumblr.com/ I miss this community and everyone on here, I'd love to know how everyone is doing though! (:




I haven't posted in a few days... Probably because I'm generally feeling happy. S' birthday was on the 1st. We had a nice cook out near the pool with some friends and stuff. It was fun. He had an interview with a company for an internship that day, so I decided to go to his apartment and fill his entire room with balloons, hang up a home made birthday banner, and put a gift basket I put together on his bed for him to come home to. He was very surprised when he got home, and loved it! It was a



Um... 02/23/2012.

Have you ever been completely dependent on something? I have never liked the thought of depending on something. Especially a drug. It actually REALLY bothers me. I can't count how many times I've tried to stop taking my Luvox in the past 3 years. Every time, though, I end up having terrible cold sweats, high fevers, and complete restlessness. Not to mention ridiculous anxiety that I can't control. I absolutely hate the fact that my body is so dependent on this medication. And that I have to tak



02/21/2012 - Happy my day is almost over!

Today I had a huge test in my behavior modification class, so it was a pretty stressful day. I think I did ok though. I finished my toilet paper roll art last night! [ATTACH]58[/ATTACH] What do you think???



02/20/2012 - Feeling better.

Hi everyone! I'm feeling much better about things today. I know that things will work out for the best in the end no matter what the outcome may be. I'm just going to work through it, and hope for the best. I've been doing more DIY stuff lately! I made a little terrarium, and still finishing up my toilet paper roll art. Here's some pictures! How is everyone doing??



sdhkasbdnlajso... ugh.

Really... I just want things to be ok. Tonight my boyfriend and I had a long, deep conversation about things. He told me that he feels like he can't be himself around me. This hurt more than I could imagine. He gets like this when he's super stressed, and starts to feel like he doesn't have enough time for me. He has a billion different things going on, and said he didn't feel like he was fulfilling my wants and needs. We go out a lot, and he doesn't really have the money to be spending, but w



Do you ever wonder? 02/15/2012

Do you ever lay down, and wonder how different your life could have been if you did even the smallest thing differently? I do this all the time. I guess that's why time travel wouldn't work even if it were possible. There are so many different paths you can take in life the ones you choose effect everything. It's strange to think about, if you REALLY think about it...



I'm happy. 02/15/2012

I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day, yesterday! I spent my entire day in classes. :/ That's ok, though. S and I are going to have a "make-up" Valentine's Day this weekend. Good thing, because I haven't gotten him anything yet!! I need to do that tomorrow. I'm making him this sweet little booklet that lists "50 things I love about you.." I think he'll really like it. I'm also making some wall decor out of toilet paper rolls! Sounds silly, but it's coming together really nicely. I'll pos



DIY, and other things. 02/13/2012

Hi everyone! So, I'm really into doing DIY things, and lately I've been looking at a lot of different projects, hoping I can get around to doing some of them! Today I found a project for turning your bar soap into actual body wash. I decided I was going to do this, because I have a ton of dove bar soap that my grandma bought me before I moved into my new apartment. I thought I'd share the process with you all in case someone wanted to do it themselves! * 2-3 bars of soap. Grated. * If using 2



I got my kitty today!!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend and enjoying themselves, it seems as though the weekends go by too quickly. So I had been blogging about getting a kitty, and finally got her today! She is so sweet, and very lovable. I really think having this cat is going to make me much less lonely, and keep me from missing home so much. My weekend has actually been great! I babysat on Friday and Saturday, but went to the movies Friday night with S and a few friends. Then last night I went to S' after



It's Saturday! :) 02/11/2012

Today is my dad's birthday! He's 52 today. Happy birthday, Daddy. So last night, I went with S and a couple friends to see StarWars 3D. It was such a good movie!!!! I was so impressed. I never thought I'd like it as much as I did. Tonight, after I babysit, I'm going to S' house, and we're going to watch the 2nd one... lol. I'm excited. Also, I'm getting a cat tonight!!!!! I found a lady on Craigslist who has to get rid of her cat because her husband is highly allergic. She said if she can't fin



It's just another day. 02/09/2012.

Well, I didn't post a blog yesterday, because I really didn't do anything but go grocery shopping and realize that groceries take all of my money! Today will probably be just as uneventful. I'm really beginning to consider getting a cat. I miss my animals back home SO much, and I feel like having a cat would make me feel a little less lonely. I had a cat for 15 years who died on Mother's day 2011, and I was completely devastated. I think I'm finally ready to move on, and believe it would be good



Tuesday, February 7, 2012.

I want today to be a good day. I'm in class right now, and probably should be taking notes, but it's one of those days where I feel like doing nothing. These are the days when I usually feel the worst. I may start crying for no reason, or get anxious and have to preform one of my rituals just to get my anxiety level down. It bothers me that after all these years of being on medication, and doing my absolute best to figure out myself, and how to prevent my OCs, they STILL happen. I almost feel a



Weekend update! 02/06/2012

So I haven't been on the site pretty much all weekend. And I'm happy to say, it has been a pretty good weekend. Thursday night: I ended up not having to babysit Thursday night, or Friday. So I went to my boyfriend's apartment and stayed the night. This night seemed almost perfect. S and I went to a nice German restaurant and had a delicious meal. After dinner we went to a pet store where he got some new fish for his tank (he's obsessed), I held a super cute ferret, and then we went home. We watc



February 2nd, 2012

Today is my parent's 25th wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary, mom and dad. But today is a not so happy day for the woman I babysit for... BACK STORY! - Okay, so before I moved here, I starting talking with this woman that my boyfriend's roommate knew. I had told her I was looking for a part-time babysitting job to just help me a little while I was in school. She is an independent contractor and works all kinds of events here in Florida, and so does her husband. So they needed someone to wat



Quote I found... 02/01/2012

"You may think the grass is greener on the other side, but if you take the time to water your own grass, it would be just as green." I think we're all a little guilty of this one..



I overreact.. to pretty much everything. February 1st, 2012.

So yesterday, I wrote this long blog explaining my entire relationship with my boyfriend, and saying how he's emotionally distant, and blah blah blah. But really, I just overreacted. He was just stressed with his senior project, and wanted some time to himself. It's pretty normal for me to completely freak out over nothing. I will over-analyze a situation to no end. It's not just with relationships either. It's with everything in my life. My therapist explained to me that it probably comes from



Guidelines for life. January 31st, 2012; Entry 3.

I came accross a paper I wrote for Psychology my junior year in high school today, and I had included a few guidelines for my life in the writing. I have not followed the guidelines I wrote, partly because I completely forgot about them. But hopefully I can start doing so. When reading over it, I realized, "Shit, I should have taken my own advice a loooongg time ago." I thought I'd share this with everyone. Enjoy. 1. Laugh until you pee your pants, then change clothes. 2. Take all the hate from



Oh, young relationships... 01/31/2012

So, this is my second blog entry to date. I'm sitting in the lobby, waiting on my next class to start, and I've decided I want to write about the current relationship I am in. Since, well... it is one that is very important to me, and one that I have put an insane amount of effort into. I'm going to call him "S" in the entry. Let me begin with telling everyone how S and I met. Actually, I need to give the back story first. I have a brother who is 10 years older than I am. We were very close whe



Day 1: 01/30/2012

I've decided I'm going to start writing in this blog and keeping up with it. This year, is one that is going to be completely different than any other year I have experience in my life thus far. It will be nice to be able to look back on this blog, and see all of the things I've gone through (both good, and bad) in this one life-changing year. So, first of all, I should explain as to why this year is going to be so much different than the others. I just moved to Tampa, Florida, from Tennessee ex



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