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Whoa, that was fast! wasn't expecting comments so soon.;) Yeah, it's stupid..i wish there was some way to block out all the negativity...feels like the whole world is against me today:(

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It's not! We're with you.

Question is, though, what can you do when people affect you like this? Not because it's fair, but because it's bound to happen again.

I don't know which emotion it is, but is there some way you can release it (tell someone about it, maybe), so that it doesn't have to keep affecting you?

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it makes me feel angry, sad and frustrated. I have noone to tell.. and it's happening at home so there's nothing I can really do to stop it..Dunno how I'm gonna survive the summer holidays:(

It just frustrates me so much that my friends all get on so well with their families but mine seem to hate me. All they do is make me feel bad about myself and tell me I'm useless. It's stupid because they know I have a college interview tomorrow and that I'm already stressed but they carry on anyway.:mad: I also keep getting weird vibes off friends and tutors in college and it makes me feel as if they don't like me..even though I haven't done anything for them not to like me.

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Of course you have people to tell! *hint, hint*

I'm sorry that your family isn't supporting you. It happens to more people than you might think, though.

My advice is, not to trust "vibes". At least, I know that mine, when I check them by talking to people, are usually wrong. My natural negative attitude makes me interpret even meaningless little things as insults. I don't know if that's happening to you; I just suggest that you try checking. Just asking "Have I done something wrong?" can work wonders. Most often, in my experience, the other person will tell you about how bad a day they're having, and you find out how much alike people are.

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i think i'm just gonna talk to myself for a little while. . . . .

i'm fed up.

and really really cold. like a statue.

we had to sit in a cathedral all day and draw and it was so cold.

now i'm home but i don't feel at home.

i feel kinda uncomfortable in this house.

the other 3 girls i live with have kinda formed a group and i so don't fit in with them.

it feels so uncomfortable being in the same room as them.

at least i have nice neighbours.

i'm just home from visiting them.

i'm hungry.

and i wish i was happy.

i feel so out of place in college.

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