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it feels like everyone is moving on except me (




i think i might be dying. my head hurts so bad it feels like someone is squeezing my brain | i tried to take a nap after work but now i just feel worse and i've taken painkillers and they didn't work. yeah. so if i die thanks everyone for being my friends and i'll miss ye (



Today will be a long day.....

coz i'm so sleeeeepy........ and my head is going to explode.................... and my eyes hurt........and i was up all night sick............hmmmmm. i want to go to bed so bad but i have to go to work |




i feel like i can't do this anymore.




5 more days and i'm back in college. i think i'm moving all my stuff up on friday morning and then i have to come home to work the weekend and then i'll go back up sunday night. i'm kinda scared but kinda excited.



feel like crap.

i feel like all my thoughts and feelings are mixed up and frozen inside me and i can't find a way to get them out coz all my words are gone (



100th blog entry!

j iwqh wotname woich loga fktwr pe..( that's what's making me sad right now.. i feel kinda osdfi. too many thoughts in my head and i still have decisions to make and i jjust want it all to go away but it won't. i wish soomeone could make all the right decisions for me. then i wouldn't make any mistakes and maybe i'd be happy! i dunno what's happening to me. i feel like i'm getting very dumb..i was never that bright but i'm getting worse! i have the concentration span of a pea. i can't concentra




i won't let myself sleep again. it's really annoying.. i know i'll fall asleep eventually because im really really tired but for now i'm stuck being awake ( i'm going to start keeping a dream journal coz i have strange dreams all the time. i wish i could fly.my eyes are so sleeepy..... i miss sue and starry.. i miss my cousin. there;s a "something" that's bothering me. i wish i was a hippie. don't want to work tomorrow or the day after don't want want to spend my whole 2 weeks holidays at home



scared of dying.

i don't understand it ( i always say i want to die but it scares me too. i'm scared that people i know will die. i'm scared coz this time tomorrow someone could be dead ( bad feeling.



another pointless blog entry....

i dunno why but i feel a little sad. i was ok earlier. ykw hasn't been too bad so far this week. she said a few mean things to me today but that's all. i slept for too long today | i went for a walk earlier but i don't really like going on my own in case i get kidnapped ( my body is so sore from doing situps | i don't think i'll be able to move in the morning. that could work in my favour...[>)] i'm reallllllllly not looking forward to work tomorrow. hmmmmm...................................



summer again..

i got my summer holidays today so noww im stuck at home for 3 whole months with ykw.. GREAT. I hate summer.



another sleepless night for blossom...

i'm still awake. and i've still done nothing. i think i give up on painting for tonight. i just need to get this essay done.. i got a little distracted for a while but discovered some weird stuff.. i learnt about my karmic master number and debt number and karmic lessons and lots of other weird numerology stuff.. then when i found out my numbers i looked up the meanings and .... well basically i'm doomed.. apparently i abused my freedom in a past life and now i have to keep living until i make



stooopid essay....

......i did some research for it this morning coz my art history lecture was cancelled. it's impossible....!!! there is barely anything on the internet about what i'm sposed to be writing about! barely anything in the library., !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish i had listened in that lecture.. it's due up this day next week. :eek: it doesn't help that i'm crap at writing.,.




i feel like i want to die. i'm running out of time.



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