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When in doubt...go paddling?



So, after feeling I don't want to hang out with my best friend this weekend as I feel that

a] she's somewhat a bad influence on me in a way: she smokes, doesn't do much sport, likes to go to this seedy bar in her town, with a bunch of younger, drinking, smoking people that I find are wasting my time and my money, my energy too!

b] since I don't like her boyfriend who's just so needy, jealous, attention requiring and drunk, and always just wants cigarettes or a free ride, or free drinks, free food, free taxi from me anyway...I feel it would not be a good choice this week to go and hang out with them. It'll just end up making me grumpy!

c] I don't want to see C_ again this weekend and suffer! He lives in the same small town as my best friend, 4kms down her road...so.

SOOOOO, I am going Kayaking the whole weekend. With two friends. One that I like B_. He's nice to me. And N_ who's a bit bitchy to me, but I can deal. It's my best option. This is a Kayaking festival 3 hours away from here... Maybe I'll meet a nice guy who thinks I am actually worth his time! Ha! But at least I won't just sit here, going through my black thoughts for 2 and a half days! What a waste that would be! :eek:

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That's a good idea tour. You will have fun and keep your mind occupied so your not spending your whole weekend thinking about last night. I'm sorry your night turned out so bad, I know you were looking forward to it :P Hopefully this weekend works out better for you, you deserve to have fun and enjoy yourself!

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