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N Tree



{Now that I've made an N Tree in my blog ...}

Well, the weekend was quite an improvement. Although I didn't really take much time to go have fun, I did get quite a few small things done each day, which made me feel better. I took the time to do some light clothes shopping, which is normally difficult for me to find the will to do.

The problem I found was, in the picturesque and highly irritating language of modern management, it was mostly the "low-hanging fruit", the easier things that didn't take much effort.

I'm still left with the large, difficult to approach problems, like what to do about the car I own with my wife, and about the house and my apartment. I've passed the deadline for when I had to give the apartment notice that I would be moving out at the end of the lease, at the end of February, so I guess I'm staying at least one more month, at month-to-month prices. "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice," as Rush reminded us in an annoyingly high voice.

So, part one is done: I've begun moving. Now I have to start part two: breaking down the big tasks into smaller ones, that I can handle in part three. Sooner rather than later would be nice. ;-)


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I'm glad u asked.

My boyfriend came to town for the weekend. We out to dinner. Went to visit some of his family and married friends. He's a real comedian so he kept me laughing. Life is just so good when he's around. It was a good weekend.

Oh and me & my mother took cases of bottled water & canned goods to the church to be shipped out to Haiti.

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