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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2017 in Posts

  1. Gayle

    Music therapy!

    Post music links you find inspirational, fun, beautiful, or just a favorite for some other reason. OK, back to homework I go...
    1 point
  2. OK I don't know if this is a good choice but I will tell him everything on my mind. It's that I am only 14, I am not ready to take care of someone depressed. I care about him, but I can't take care of him. I can't help him, but he still thinks I can. I need to explain to him that I just can't live my own life anymore because of the constant worrying I have because of him. I really need help this is eating me from the inside. It can't go on like this, if it did it would end badly anyway. I am scared this will shock him and he will do something drastic, but I am just slowly starting to get depressed as well from all this. This is actually kind of my fault because I made it seem I could take care of him and help him. I wish I knew that I couldn't
    1 point
  3. This totally mind blowing experience just happened to me no more than a month ago. I swim as a low impact exercise at a campus pool post motorcycle pattela compond fracture. A group of basically gossiping older women gloat with their jock physical therapist. I modestly wear low drag compression knee length speedos. Trunks are like swimming in a parachute. Incredibly, one woman went totally out off her way to ask me ""How do guys like you have the the balls to wear those things? " I had know idea what she was talking about. I asked what? She said straight out "little weenie" pointing to my crotch. I asked in total shock, " Do you look ?" Her reply: "We all do . I got picked to ask you. We do it all the time" In freakin incredible! No guy has ever said stuff like that, ever.
    1 point
  4. LaLa

    New Kid

    Hello, Koalaterr, welcome! I hope you'll find some 'company' here . Have you already looked at the "Lounge" sub-forum here? And also "Recommended"... There is, for instance, some shared music; you might contribute and/or comment... Take care!
    1 point
  5. ancientangel

    New around here

    Not too many questions at all! I don't know about all that, you could be right though! I personally am scared of breaking the rules and making people angry rather than being perceived as inadequate. But now that I have it mostly down? I'm all good. It's just that initial interaction that I'm afraid of. I have no problem talking about myself openly (in fact I do it too much sometimes) and doing as I please, within reason. I definitely am in a depressive phase right now, I haven't had a manic phase in weeks thanks to the meds. The depression isn't particularly bad this time around though. And my treatment is going well, I just switched to a new therapist, not for a a bad reason, but because my new therapist knows better how to support lgbt individuals. My old therapist was a doll and super professional. Some of my meds are losing their potency I believe, as my psychotic symptoms are popping up again. I have family support and a couple online friends that help a lot. The reason I joined the forum is because those people cannot understand as well as others that are going through the same thing I am. feel free to shoot more questions at me, I love discussions!!
    1 point
  6. pseudome

    Music therapy!

    I'm sorry, i'm sorry, my evening routine involves immersing myself in music. Last post tonight, I promise. Here's some Tool: Lateralus Schism Sober Parabola http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiV_ue-PbL4
    1 point
  7. Treeline

    Music therapy!

    Lush were such a beautiful band, shoegaze all ways gets me through...
    1 point
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