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A new Netflix series about grief, depression, and suicidality


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I've found this by chance and it's absolutely brilliant- surely the best thing Ricky Gervais has ever done so far! It's been making me cry quite a lot. Just; wow!

BTW, it also depicts about two suicide attempts and one actual suicide, but those who would find that triggering should just watch the series til the end, and see.

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One of the FB comments about it:


Dear Mr. Gervais, I'm a U.S. Disabled Veteran who struggles with PTSD and Depression. I have been so depressed in recent years. My Gramma died 9 years ago, and I live in her house as she left to me. But just as I was starting to climb back out of the darkness from that, my youngest Daughter went through a drug problem for a few years. It just threw me back into darkness. Overwhelmed with emotions. Last Summer my Mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and I lived with her and Dad for about eight months while she did surgery and chemo and all that. That was very overwhelming as well. I've been so depressed I have just let my house and myself to a certain extent go to shit. It is a mess, trash cluttering the floors and dirty dishes in the sink for years.
I know this is all very depressing. But I wanted to preface my comments with it just to give a little of my story and how I related so well to After Life. I fucking loved it! It has helped me sort of climb back out of the hole again, and for the first time in a couple years I actually started cleaning my house. Sort of like what you did on the last episode of season 1. After Life gave me hope and the courage to regain my strength.
Honestly there are so many parallels in Season one to my actual reality. I loved it and thank you so very much. You have inspired me.
Best wishes. Cheers!

And another:


I’m sure you won’t see this. But I wanted to thank you. Our daughter died last year and I was nervous about watching After Life, I’m glad I did. You captured grief perfectly. Humans don’t know how to deal with a grieving person but we try our best. 

I cried a lot but i laughed too. Thank you


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