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I'm not just ANXIOUS, I'm STRESSED !!!!!


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Today is an important day for me. Very important.

Today I have to meet with my Solicitor, and I am flipping spanners, coz it is to do with my babies.

Solicitors usually "freak me", but this time the feeling is so much more intense.

I get to find out the outcome on evaluations, and assesments thats been done on me recently.

It kinda determines, whether or not I will be allowed to have indirect / direct contact with my babies whilst and directly after hospital treatment.

I dont want to find out, well I do, but at the same time I would rather not know, coz I dont think I can handle anymore news, especially if it is bad.

To make things worse I have been a bit out of it the last couple of days, everything is going at like ten times the speed it usually does, and I cant sit still, Ive got tons of stuff on the go, some nearly finished, some that I dont even know why I started in the first place. Im exhausted, but its not slowing me down any.

At least im no longer depressed, well I dont think I am, but then my thoughts are all over the place anyway, I need to stop, but my whole body and especially my mind just will not switch off !!!

HELP ????

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IMO, It is a normal reaction to feel this way, with what your up against. I think it would be worse if you were NOT stressed out about this. Totally normal reaction under these circumstances. These are your babies, and now everything is going to be laid out on the table, YES, major stress and anxiety is a normal .

That is what I would think and feel if I were in your shoes. Can you try deep breathing exercises, anything to try and calm down that works for you? Meditation, stretching out your muscels , getting any form of vigourous exercise? Do they allow exercise in the hosipital? Got to get that excess amount of energy out, so you can feel calmer.

I wish you all the best and hope things turn out well for you.


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I just want to encourage you if you are a Christian, or even if your not, to read Psalm 91. It speaks of great comfort in the Lord. In case you don't have access to the Bible you can use www.biblegateway.com.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty

I will say to my God, my fortress and my refuge

My God in whom I trust...

The whole Psalm goes on like that it has been a great source of encouragement for me and I hope it will you too.

I will pray for you Cathy

brother bill

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I just want to encourage you if you are a Christian, or even if your not, to read Psalm 91. It speaks of great comfort in the Lord. In case you don't have access to the Bible you can use www.biblegateway.com.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty

I will say to my God, my fortress and my refuge

My God in whom I trust...

The whole Psalm goes on like that it has been a great source of encouragement for me and I hope it will you too.

I will pray for you.

brother bill

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