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How to handle physical issues, & emotional


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I was not prepared for this to happen . NOT one bit. I am trying to recovery from severe injuries due to burns, and skin graphs... I've lost moblity in my arms, shoulders , hands , and wrists... Even a few open wounds that are still bandaged. Been out of the hospital for over 2 weeks now, after being in one for over a month, 3 surgries later.

Since this has occured I find myself not only dealing with painful physical issues, my emotional state is not much better. It is a double whammy. Unable to function as well and physically move without pain , the mental health problems still being there too, It feels like hell.

I am at a loss on how to cope . Have not seen my therapist in over 6 weeks, and have not even attempted to drive by myself or leave my home by myself since .

I am scared of the loss of mobility and the pain it brings me trying to move, having to recieve help just to get dressed . It is very unpleasant .

I never expected this to occur . I am certainly not enjoying life right now, and feel stuck. Even dependant on my family for help , especially my 16 yr old son, he has to help me up at times from the couch .

Tonight I attempted to wash dishes, I dropped a potful of dishes on the floor , in which the pot hit my small dog. The downstairs neighbors came to see if things were ok, they know I've been unable to do much. It is a god awful thing , right now, and I am unsure just how much I can take of this.

I find myself taking one more extra anxiety pill then prescribed , and other meds just so I can sleep more . Sleep is the only comfort I seem to be able to have as of now. Because right when I wake up the pain is absolutely unbearable , and it is a new day , just to start all this over once more.

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I'm sorry to hear that you're going through so much. I am in a similar situation right now. I am four weeks post-op from major back surgery. While I am stubborn & have done some things that the dr said I still shouldn't be doing yet, I am still very dependent on those around me. I am finally able to tie my own shoes again... it's very stressful. And the mental issues don't help. The depression from dependency can be overwhelming. Something I'm having to remind myself though is that this will not always be the case. And I can tell that, for you, this will not always be the case either. The burns will heal & physical/occupational therapy can help you with mobility. (Not that it will take it away, but it can help you manage it.) I don't know if you're spiritual or religious, but that can be beneficial too. Pray, meditate, whatever you need to do. And keep yourself occupied. That has kept me from going crazy. I spend as little time as possible not thinking about it.

Take care, and I'm always here to talk.

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I'm sorry to hear that you are still feeling bad. Sometimes you just gotta get through it.... I agree that you should talk to your doctor about getting pain medications that are more effective. I've often heard that burns take the most courage, it just takes time. Patience my dear, patience. It will subside eventually...

Don't feel bad about having people help you, you've done things for others and now it's your turn...

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