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depression medicine side effects

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Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone could answer a question I have. I'm taking anti depression medication to help me sleep at night and it's making my mouth and throat extremely dry. Plus I usually breathe through my mouth as I have sinus problems so that makes it worse. Sometimes it's so dry it wakes me up at night. Anyway my question is this: could dry mouth cause throat infections? I've been getting a lot of them lately. It seems that every time I get over one another comes along in it's place, and my voice gets hoarse a lot. I hope someone might be able to help me with my question. Thanks.

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Dry mouth could be a side effect to the medication. I do not know how long you have been taking the medicine, however , often times the side effects lessen as you take the medication .

my Pstychatrist reccomended me to use throat lazenges to ease the dry mouth. One of my meds, Clonidine , has the same exact side effect, but now it has decreased over time. Be sure to drink water after taking the medicine , to see if it helps you feel better. Discuss it over with your DR. if the dry mouth is continuing and giving you throat infections. I have not had any infections from it, but it is uncomfortable to have it . I felt like I had cotton in my mouth. But, now it is not as extreme anymore , after taking the med. for a while.

hope this helps .


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Hi Mscat. I've been taking this medication for about four months now and although my body did adjust to it slightly it's the sore throats I am worried about. As I said, I no sooner get rid of one infection than another takes it's place. I'm getting really fed up with having to cope with the side effects of medication. Besides taking anti depression pills I am also taking medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hormone replacement (because of monopause). It seems like it's a no win situation sometimes.

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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Endlessnight,

Mind and body are not separate. Your health problems are connected with your level of unhappiness, depression and stress as is true for everyone. When I read your posts and think about your situation I am aware of feeling totally frustrated. Because you are a women you are being forced to live as though you are a second class citizen or something less than human. In the modern world, it is a ridiculous situation for anyone to have to face.

I understand that you life and family are in Saudi Arabia and have been for thirty years. I doubt that this is any kind of solution but, do you think that, if you wanted to, you could return to life in the West? If you did it would be a huge readjustment to have to make but I guess you have to ask youself if it would help or not.

Even in nations like Saudi Arabia, people manage to thrive under a very restrictive environment. Are there things you can do to help yourself: exercise, study, take classes, or etc? Of course, I do not know what is and what is not realistic but there must be some solutions for you there. Unless you want to leave there??


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Hello again.

Thank you for your concern. For many years my dream was to go back to England. It was all I thought of night and day. Then I gave up. I had no money. My father had cancelled my British passport because he was afraid I would run away. I didn't even know how to speak Arabic. Though I couldn't make my father take me back my only means of protest was to refuse to do what he and his relatives hoped I would do....accept life here. I refused to marry. I refused to go to school. I refused to work. It sounds stupid now but it was the only way I had to show that I would never accept living here. Because of that I have next to no formal education. I couldn't survive in the west. Although I do work now, I dont make much money because of my lack of qualifications. I'm lucky that my English is in demand here in schools.

I started working after my father died of injuries received from being hit by a car. My mother died three months later of cancer. My English relatives stopped writing to me and calling me when my brother and I didn't go to see her as she had requested before dying. I wanted to go but my brother didn't so I wasn't able to.

About three years ago I bought a computer and discovered the internet. I realised there was still a world out there full of wonderful things. I re-discovered music among other things. I also realised it was too late for me. I dont fit in here, even after 30 years, yet I feel I wouldn't fit in in the West either. I dont think I could survive there the way I am. I dont see the point in taking classes, even assuming I could, which I'm not certain of. I have given up.

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Hello again.

Thank you for your concern. For many years my dream was to go back to England. It was all I thought of night and day. Then I gave up. I had no money. My father had cancelled my British passport because he was afraid I would run away. I didn't even know how to speak Arabic.

Though I couldn't make my father take me back my only means of protest was to refuse to do what he and his relatives hoped I would do....accept life here. I refused to marry. I refused to go to school. I refused to work. It sounds stupid now but it was the only way I had to show that I would never accept living here. Because of that I have next to no formal education. I couldn't survive in the west. Although I do work now, I dont make much money because of my lack of qualifications. I'm lucky that my English is in demand here in schools.

I started working after my father died of injuries received from being hit by a car. My mother died three months later of cancer. My English relatives stopped writing to me and calling me when my brother and I didn't go to see her as she had requested before dying. I wanted to go but my brother didn't so I wasn't able to.

About three years ago I bought a computer and discovered the internet. I realised there was still a world out there full of wonderful things. I re-discovered music among other things. I also realised it was too late for me. I dont fit in here, even after 30 years, yet I feel I wouldn't fit in in the West either. I dont think I could survive there the way I am. I dont see the point in taking classes, even assuming I could, which I'm not certain of. I have given up.

Every morn and every night, some are born to endless night.

William Blake.

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Night, could you do me a favor, one I only request with your best interests at heart?

Please stop saying that you've given up.

Because clearly, it's not true.

You wouldn't be talking to us here, sharing your struggle and reading about others', if you had given up. I think it's time to admit to yourself that, despite the enormous odds that you see, you still have hope.

Because from there, you can start to work on change, rather than just tossing back reasons why it won't work.

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I want tell you a few things about me. That might help you . First of all I have "given up" so many times in my life , I've done very severe injury to myself , because life just was not good for me. I've been in mental hospitals starting at the age of 16, and live in them for 2 yrs straight, then I've suffered a severe eating disorder for 9 yrs .

I got pregnant , and have raised a child for 16yrs on my own , he is disabled , autistic, with cognitive delays.

I had worked as a preschool teacher though for over 2oyrs, through all of this. But always had trouble getting along with co workers, so my job ended , however I always could find work again teaching , because of the high demand.

ABout 5 yrs ago my life went down for the worst. I went back to old , self destructive behaviors. I had moved in a tiny town , their is a lot of child abuse that occured , that I endured . And I moved to be closer to my biological brother.

ANyway , I am still here, with all the things that I have done to myself, which has left me with mobility problems. I can't move my shoulders , close my hands, my arms are severely burned, and chest, at least half of my body is severely burned.

With all that , and I will honestly tell u many times , I did not want to be here, I have a lot of physical pain everyday , and have too many mental health diagnoses .

NOW, life has evened out. Things do not seem so bad . Life has a way of changing our attitudes no matter how bad things become, their is always a silver lining in the dark clouds. ALWAYS.

People are ment to survive really bad times. What we can't do is give up , no matter how difficult things become. Because feelings and emotions are constantly changing. Hang in there, I know things will get better for you , and smooth out.


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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Mscat and Endlessnight,

I suggest that instead of waiting for that "silver lining" to appear, start to enjoy the really small things in life. For example, I love that first cup of coffee in the morning. At night, I love to look up at the sky and see the stars. Its the small things that we easily overlook and, yet, they give such pleasure.


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Yes, it is those little things that make a difference. When I was young I loved to sit and look at the clouds, finding shapes in them. I miss being able to do that. I miss being able to just go out for a walk when I feel like it. I miss feeling the wind on my face and the smell of flowers. I know I am being negative again, and that I need to find things that give me pleasure instead of dwelling on what I dont or can't have but it's so hard when you can't even go outside and look up at the stars to remember the world out there.

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I want to say i'm sorry for being so negative, I promised myself I would try and stop doing that. As Malign said, I am prone to saying what it is I can't do instead of trying to be positive. It's a life long habit that is going to take me a while to overcome.

I do want to say this though, because I guess I need to be understood, even in my complaints. It IS the little things that make a difference. Hearing ASchwartz talk about looking at the stars just saddened me so much because a simple thing like that is impossible for me to do and it's something i miss so much...nature.

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Night, you're doing great at the moment even to be thinking about thinking positively. :-)

Maybe there's something you can do to get out into nature more. Even if it means negotiating with a male relative who might help you. There has to be a way to live happily.

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