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depressed and pregnant


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I've done the dumbest thing ever. I got pregnant I'm 5 months and OMG I'm so disappointed in myself. I thought if I got pregnant I would be happy that is SO wrong,:o . My depression has gotten worse then it was before. I've thought about adoption alot but I think I'm going to keep my baby it's girl. I had a panic attack last night from an e-mail a so called friend sent me. I felt so bad afterwards b/c of my baby. I'm in a horrible finacial situation. I feel so alone and so pissed at myself. I can barly make it through the day w/o thinking about killing myself. I feel like I have no support I don't know what to do anymore. I want to give up :confused:

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Hi Andrea. I'm sorry you're feeling down. :P Being pregnant is difficult enough without depression. Do you have any support system there? Parents? Friends? Is the baby's father involved? Maybe you could speak with your doctor as well. This is a time when you really do need extra support and encouragement. It's a time of change and change can be frightening, even when it's positive change. Do you have a therapist, Andrea?

One thing about children is they do offer much hope. Maybe you feel this wasn't the best thing to happen right now, but you can't change the past, and there is life within you. A whole lot of possibilities there, don't you think? I hope you will gentle with both of you during this sensitive time.

How are you feeling now, Andrea? I hope you keep talking with us. Please don't give up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry for the late reply yes I have a therapist and my bf the baby's father is still here. I just seem to find things that are bad I'm working on that I don't feel like I have a support team. I just really wanna be better for my daughter so she can be happy. I'm trying thank you for your feedback :D

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I just seem to find things that are bad I'm working on that I don't feel like I have a support team. I just really wanna be better for my daughter so she can be happy. I'm trying thank you for your feedback :)

You will be able to make it through despite your fears. It's not so easy from time to time but with the right support team you will move forward. Hey not even with the right team you will make it. I am living proof to that. I was lucky enough to have an awesome network during this recent pregnancy, birth and still now of my 4th child. I can honestly say that this time I think I am making progress. Where as with the 3rd pregnancy, progress was nil but I managed to get through and I have a happy bouncing 3 year old.

I'm not sure what helpful things I can pass on but maybe look at all the love you can offer you little girl. You say that the childs father is with you. That is fantastic. Spend time building on that relationship. He will be your number one support. You have a therapist, another bonus. At times of great stress it will be nice to just down load and put things into prospective or process all the changes that are taking place in your life with the new addition. Your therapist will also be able suggest if you need other added support and maybe provide information on baby friendly support networks. One thing that helped me was having a therapist who specialised in working with mother and baby. So having the baby in therapy and looking at the bond and thoughts that came up. This provided support and understanding of how judgemental I was being of myself.

You will manage even when you feel over whelmed.

Best wishes and keep positive.


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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry for the late reply I've been having alot of ups and downs lately. Yes Allan you guys are my support team I just need ppl who are in my life to be there for me also. I have to be able to deal with real life and right now I can't. Confused thank you for your words of encouragement. I appreciate it :(. Right now I don't think I'm mentally able to take care of a baby at all. Even thought the father and I are together I'm not happy in our relationship. Neither one of us is so I was thinking of putting the baby up for adoption that way she can get the support and love she needs from two people who really love her. I do love my baby I just can' t be a mother to her. I acutally called an adoption agency but I was to scared and I cancelled twice. But I plan on calling them again and talking to someone. Finacially I can't take care of her either and it's just to much I can't take care of myself let alone a baby. I'll keep you all updated :o.

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