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I'm such an idiot

Guy Out There

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I just called up my boss and told him what an a*****e he is and all what i thought of him. It's around midnight here when i called and his responce was to fire me over the phone.

Wow i feel so happy i found a way out of that terrible job, i just couldn't keep ruining people's lives, i can't take anymore guilt, anymore secret crying wishing i had another choice.





Crashing back down to reality...

What the hell have i done???? Now i've got no money, no chance to support myself or my family, no career left what the hell was i thinking???

I'm such an idiot, why did i do this? How will i cope now?? I dump one set of problems and gain another.

I've just ruined my career, now i really have gone and done it!!!!! :eek::mad::)

Srry for the language!

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Do you think what you did today was an act of self-destruction, Jack, or were these events something that could eventually spur a valuable change in your life? The loss of employment can be shocking and upsetting, but maybe what matters now is what you make of this new direction in your life. What do you think?

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Well i'm not at all sure what i was thinking, i certainly didn't look at it as a new direction in my life but i guess it could be.

A chance to start a positive recovery (work was really getting me down).

Maybe i just planted some explosives on the negative part of my life and blew it up.

It's strange because i feel so good to be free of that place but i'm still worried about how i'll cope without the money coming in.

Thank you again for casting me a positive light :)

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I agree with IrmaJean. You sounded so very unhappy doing that type of work. And if I remember correctly you are only 25, right? You are still so young, there is no need to get bogged down in a job that makes you that unhappy. This is an opportunity indeed - change is scary, but I think what happened today was a clear indication that this was not the line of work for you ....

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Thank you Symora, i think this was a change for the better.

Finally i'm back on the right path and it's a chance for me to get out of the work i'm in and pursue my dream career instead.

It took me a long time to realize i was unhappy, i guess i kept telling myself i was happy when i wasn't, things will be hard but i can battle though :(

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Yes you can. I'm more than double your age and have seen many, many people make career changes at all ages because they were in a line of work that did not suit them, made them miserable. It takes some work and determination to redirect, but in the long term it is well worth the effort.:(

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