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Mental Support Community

I want to participate, but...


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...just can't. I don't know why. I sit here night after night and read posts and feel the pain being poured out onto the keyboard by so many people who are suffering like me. People who would genuinely understand what I am dealing with and vice versa. I definitely want support and advice and I definitely want to offer support and advice when appropriate. But, the words don't come. I stare at the screen and search my mind for the words to express myself and just feel blank. Nothing comes to me. I'm so sorry for being so absent here.

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Proverbs, there is no obligation here. Meeting your emotional needs comes first. You can only offer what you have to offer. It's good that you shared your feelings with us, though. Have you been able to better accept support recently at home? How are you feeling? It's okay to lean on us for support.

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