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I am not feeling well. Anxiety overload I think.


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I had a long day which did not go as I hoped. Long car ride back made me feel thankfully less ill than the arrival riding. Here a few hours now. I can not get the room to stop spinning. I think I am having too much anxiety. My chest and head hurt an awful lot. I am only sitting but it is hard to catch my breath. I am having an odd sensation in my feet and 1 leg. It is all very scary. If I try to stand up the room spins faster. I would really like to lay down in my bed. A short walk across the room is impossible rihgt now. I do not know what to do. I keep praying it will pass like it has other times. Too many things at once now yeht do not usually happne lla together ro stay so, long. My eyse hurt I can not type thsi ynamore.

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you do not need an appointment to go to the hospital. They are there to help you.

As for calming down a little have you tried to lengthen your breath a little? I mean try to do some deep breathing by counting a little longer each in breath each out breath.

If you cannot deepen your breathing, your body might be telling you that you need help, and it is ok to get help, Elijah.

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Guest SomethingOrOther

Hi Elijah,

I can imagine you had a lot of anxiety today, therefore it is important you try to breath calmly and deeply and sit somewhere comfortably.

Then I want you to call someone to get help with this. You could think about calling a friend or your consellor to go and get those medications, if you don't have them yet, so that you can at least take something against the pain. They could also bring you to a hospital to have you monitored until this goes away again. Or if you don't know who else you can call, consider calling an ambulance yourself. More important than getting a treatment immediately is to me that someone looks after you, who can help you if it becomes necessary.

It is important you have someone covering your back, in case you pass out and also because you want to avoid every unnecessary movement at the moment.

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Guest SomethingOrOther

The symptoms that you describe can be so severe now because of your anxiety, but they are also a consequence of your heart condition. Your heart isn't very good at bringing oxygen into your body and now it is stressed, so you feel the effect of problems with the blood circulation, like being drowsy and losing feeling in your limbs. I assume your body also signals to your brain that there's not enough oxygen, so that it wants you to breathe more, but it doesn't know that the problem is really the blood transport, so that is why you are short of breath. Don't worry about that, you are breathing just fine and the other problems will also go away when your heart gets better. But for your heart you might need some help now. The pain might just go away again, if it has done that before, but you don't need to be scared about it, if there's someone there with you in case you need more help. This is important enough to ask people for support, even if it does go away all by itself again. I hope you feel better real soon,


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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Elijah,

I am also wondering how you are doing now? You would not be bothering anybody by going to the hospital. That is what they are there for. Also, you mention medication you have? What type is it and why have you stopped?

Please let us know how you are doing.


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I am also concerned about the odd sensation you describe in your leg and feet. That should really be checked out. One of the medications that you mentioned the doctor prescribed for you would help you with the anxiety part of all this. Whatever you decide, lying down is good, that will help the dizziness and ease the stress on your heart.

I am a bit late replying; I am hoping you went to the emergency room. Thinking of you.

Allan: Elijah did not start taking the medication (yet?). It was only recently prescribed.

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I apologize for causing all of you great worry. I thought I was having an anxiety attack. I know now I was having an anxiety attack with medical problems that have become worse. I could not reply sooner because I was in the hospital.

I do not recall entirely what happened immediately after my last post except what I have been told. I remember trying to call someone and winding up on the carpet. The dog was licking me then I heard her barking rather loudly which she rarely does. It sounded like she was far away. I now know she went out the dog door to the yard getting out of the fence somehow. She woke up a neighbor and his daughter. I woke up at the hospital with everyone saying the dog saved my life.

The odd sensations, lack of being able to catch my breath and severe pain was from a blood clot that dislodged.

I was discharged from the hospital late this afternoon. I will need to return for several more tests. If I continue to not take the prescribed medications this will likely occur again until the cause of it has been corrected.

Thank you very much for the kind support you all provided.

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Oh Elijah,

When you mentioned the odd sensation in your leg and feet I was worried about a blood clot but didn't want to alarm you. I am SOOO glad you are OK; I figured you had gone to the hospital. You have been on my mind. Are you taking the medications now? What a beautiful story about your dog.

You said that the day home didn't go as you had hoped ... what happened? (You don't have to tell us if this is too private for you.)

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Glad to have you back. Told ya that dog is bonded with you to go and get help like that. I hope you are taking the meds now clearly you need them. Are you going to be having the surgery to fix you up? It's good you didn't have to stay in the hospital long. That whole thing you sent about the meaning of holidays is kind of cool not to see it all about presents cards and shit. Not sure I get the whole family part of it maybe you could explain that some time. Your hosts are back now? When you are feeling up to it read your other thread I wanna hear how the meet and greet went with the shrink and your parents too.

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Hello Corvette, Luna and Brodman

Corvette, I have looked for the post you mentioned about the pets but have been unable to find it.

Luna, I really had thought I was having another anxiety attack all be it a severe one. Finding out a blood clot dislodging caused all that I was experiencing has not been much of a relief. I was given many medications while I stayed in the hospital. I have not started taking the oral medications since being discharged.

Brodman, I am pleased you found what I sent to be interesting. I do not mind explaining any of it further to you.

Angel is a very special dog. I have known that for a while but I know now she really is my Angel. I still can not believe what she did to help me.

I am still not feeling well or entirely myself. I will look at my other thread, then post about the meeting last Saturday and possible surgery.

I hope that you all had a pleasant day today however, you chose to spend it.

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