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Lifestyles Condom Penis Size Sample

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Lifestyles did a penis size test a few years back of men 18-29 years old. Over 300 men were examined. Nearly half of all men had a penis 5 to 6 inches long. Over 90% of men had a penis 5 to 7 inches long. Over 95% of men had a penis between 5 and 8 inches.

Here's a shocking fact. More men had a 7.75 to 8 inch penis (0.8%) than a 4 to 4.25 inch penis (0.2%)! At my size, 4.25 inches, 99% of men tested had a larger penis.

Yes, I want to kill myself.


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Lifestyles did a penis size test a few years back of men 18-29 years old. Over 300 men were examined. Nearly half of all men had a penis 5 to 6 inches long. Over 90% of men had a penis 5 to 7 inches long. Over 95% of men had a penis between 5 and 8 inches.

Here's a shocking fact. More men had a 7.75 to 8 inch penis (0.8%) than a 4 to 4.25 inch penis (0.2%)! At my size, 4.25 inches, 99% of men tested had a larger penis.

Yes, I want to kill myself.

AGAIN you're looking for negative information that you WANT to believe. Try looking for positive information from credible sources.

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TL, this kind of information seems to perpetuate the bad feelings you already have about yourself. Why punish yourself by continuing to read numbers and statistics? There is more to you than this. What steps can you take to accept yourself as you are?

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Statistics don't lie.

To examine one's life, and why it has always been and or turned out bad, it's important to look at statistics.

All the statistics pretty much explain why my life took the direction it did, and certainly explains that I have a very small penis so my depression about it is not in my head, it's real. Whereas someone with a penis 5 inches or bigger has small penis syndrome. But I have a real problem.

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This is NOT reliable information. The information in the link itself even states that: "Yes I do know that these statistics have flaws" and "The Geeks out there will notice that this is nowhere near a normal distribution, which makes the mean and standard deviations a bit difficult to interpret." The last part shows how these results are most likely biased for various reasons. And finally, it was conducted by a condom manufacturer which is not an unbiased entity when it comes to this kind of research.

I doubt there is really any solid information available regarding these kinds of statistics. Men who identify themselves as smaller than average will hesitate to participate in these kinds of studies so the averages will quite likely typically reflect larger sizes among men.

Don't let studies like these dictate the quality of your life.

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You can't define a human being by simple numbers and measurements....

I would never deny your feelings or your pain, TL. I am sorry that you're hurting so much. When you feel that external forces control your destiny and your life, you are limiting the power that you have to make positive change. You have some power in the direction of your life. What can you do to move in a healing direction?

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This is NOT reliable information. The information in the link itself even states that: "Yes I do know that these statistics have flaws" and "The Geeks out there will notice that this is nowhere near a normal distribution, which makes the mean and standard deviations a bit difficult to interpret." The last part shows how these results are most likely biased for various reasons. And finally, it was conducted by a condom manufacturer which is not an unbiased entity when it comes to this kind of research.

I doubt there is really any solid information available regarding these kinds of statistics. Men who identify themselves as smaller than average will hesitate to participate in these kinds of studies so the averages will quite likely typically reflect larger sizes among men.

Don't let studies like these dictate the quality of your life.

The statistics don't dictate the quality of my life. They help explain what I've experienced. The size of my penis compared to what's normal dictates that quality of my life. How women and society perceive a small penis dictates the quality of my life. Having limited range and movement during sex because of my small size dictates the quality of my life. The fact that a small penis is not as desirable and doesn't feel as good as a normal to above average sized penis dictates the quality of my life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting thread.

Well, TL, they are right when they say that men who tend to have smaller dicks would never participate in such a study. Hell, I wouldn't do it myself... so what does it say? It says that only guys with large dicks participate in such studies, therefore making the average much higher than it really is.

Don't pay attention to this crap.

Anyway, just like you, the attitude of society towards small dicks also dictates my life. I don't buy this "only you decide how to live your life" BS. When so many people (especially women) tell you that there's something wrong with having a small dick, then it means that there's something wrong, period. It doesn't matter how you decide to live your life. Women prefer large dicks, I have a small one: that dictates me that I shouldn't even bother showing my penis to a woman. Seriously, why bother? It's almost rude on some level. It's like offering something blue to someone who explicitly told you they prefer the color red.

Sorry I'm tired... what I've just said probably doesn't make any sense.

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Neither you, I, or the OP are built for casual sex like majority of the population. Nothing can be done about this. You can't enjoy sex like most people. Porn is a distorted fantasy anyway seeing as few people in real life actually have porn star features. I personally feel that sex would be fulfilling as long as I felt a general satisfaction from it. To those that are sexually active, we are useless and unacceptable.

Sure it's upsetting, but just like the women that have multiple sex partners, you and I have our own standards. I personally would not have sex with someone that didn't appeal to me sexually. There is absolutely nothing appealing about a small penis and that is a fact. Movement and sensation is limited for the woman and I also would not blame a sexually experienced woman for rejecting me. However, I feel that life is still worth living.

It's ridiculous to have this issue dictate your life. It sucks to be this way, but at the macro level, the penis is of no importance to me. Someday humans will evolve to a point where they are more efficient and do not even need penises to procreate. This issue is silly and I feel that any educated woman should understand how insignificant penis size is. Anyone that judges you based on your penis is not worth being around. I've personally met attractive women that were happy to have sex regardless of my size. I've personally rejected women for lack of intelligence and that is my own right just as it is a womans to reject me for her superficial reasons. However, my primal instincts have been holding me back.

The desire to have multiple sexual partners is just a shallow experience that many of us ought to get over. I am sure that if all of the posters in this forum had relationships with perfectly suitable women, we would not be posting on this board. Being that the majority of the posters on this board are well within the normal range, I feel there is no reason why we can not succeed as human beings. Sometimes I look down at my penis and just laugh at the fact that I have this issue. Outside of this issue Ive gone far in life, and I feel childish for being overwhelmed by this problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It does dictate my life, unfortunately, since I always think about it and I'm interested in numbers and statistics. My last girlfriend said of the 12-15 guys she's been with, I was like 4th in size. But when I started listing the guys she's been with, all ten I mentioned were bigger than me, so she may have been just trying to make me feel better. She said my penis was "average" or just a "whisp below clinical studies." Nothing she said made me feel any better though. As I listed the guys she told me she was with, she would say how much bigger they were than me... "a half inch, an inch, an inch and a half, two inches." And that even her first boyfriend was bigger than me when he was just 16. That kind of stuff just bothers me. She also mentioned that a guy she was with was also concerned about his size and didn't think he was big enough. I asked if he was bigger than me, and she said he was, by like a half inch or more. So that enraged me more, that even someone with a half inch more than me is worried about his size. So where does that leave me, if he's bigger than me anyway?

I don't think I can be with any girl now, because both reality and stats suggest that there's a 90% chance any guy she's with was bigger than I am. My ex confirmed it, that all these guys were bigger. And that stats confirm it, since I'm at the far end of the small size bell curve, that 98%+ of men are larger. Oh but so great, I'm within the bell curve, so I'm 'small average'.

You know, they make those bell curve charts to convince men that are like 5.5 inches that they're average. But it's the opposite for me since I'm like 4 inches. it confirms that I'm not average, and makes me want to kill myself even more. I always found that ironic, that those charts are meant to make guys feel better but it makes me feel worse since I am smaller than 98% of men.

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And you guys know that I am also upset about my 5'5" height. I guess I should be thankful that I'm short and have a small penis instead of being tall with a small penis.

But... when I get rich I plan on having limb lengthening surgery to increase my height 3 to 4 inches. It costs about $80,000 to break my bones and insert a rod then let the bone grow over it. A guy went from 5'6" to 6'2" doing this. But my issue is that if I get taller, my penis will look even smaller. So I feel trapped.

Do you understand my pain about this?

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