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Here's to reading and posting awfully depressing things about our penises!

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Not a productive thread, but I greatly value and appreciate this forum and I'm glad that it has a new home. There aren't peoiple that I could discuss this issue with in the real world and this site has really helped me. Reading about others in the same situation really made me realize how stupid this problem is when life really has much more to offer than sex alone. One day I really hope that I could find a woman that feels the same way. Don't get me wrong, I really want to enjoy sex, but the idea of sex in my mind is distorted by fantasy. I really hope most women in the world don't have a distorted view such as mine.

It would have been nice to live in a world not so surrounded by media and pornography. Living in a world where a man woudlnt feel judged by penile length girth. I'm totally valuble and producive as male, and I feel far more manly than plenty of my endowed friends. Most of my friends have absolutely no technical ability, and I feel that they would not survive long in the event of an apocalypse. Luckily I was blessed with a decent brain and skills that are above average.

So again, thanks to this forum, I've been able to determine that my self worth igreater than I initially thought. Although I am still depressed about my penis sometimes, this is in part due to me not having a healthy relationship with a woman. Another reason honestly is due to media emphasis on bigger being better. Women are poorly educated on penis size and feel that a penis could simply be enlarged like that of a breast. If the truth was widely known, I really doubt this would be so prevalent in the media.

Anyway, thanks again for this forum, hopefully everyone migrates successfully. Good luck to all with this problem. I've definitely improved my situation without lying to myself about my penis. I know my penis isn't big or even really average, and I won't tell myself it's fine. However, i feel that I am very lucky in other ways. I'd take a small penis, and below average height if it meant keeping my intelligence and other skills. I know such a situation is improbable, but I feel that my endowed friends aren't as successful as I made them out to be. Sure they satiate their sexual urges on a regular basis, but they also have nothign else to speak for aside from their sexual history.

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Hello, Thermonuclear Warrior, and welcome to our new community! We're happy to have you here with us. :) Thank you for your kind words and appreciation. We're very happy that you have a place to talk about your feelings. That can be a valuable space for any of us.

It's great that you are beginning to feel better. Good for you on the hard work. I do think it's important to have an open space (even if it is a small one) for positive potential. I also know this can be very difficult when in a deep depression.

Don't get me wrong' date=' I really want to enjoy sex, but the idea of sex in my mind is distorted by fantasy.[/quote']

It sounds that you are developing a good self-awareness and that is always helpful to walking on a healing path. It gives you a place to look and begin to make changes.

Although I am still depressed about my penis sometimes' date=' this is in part due to me not having a healthy relationship with a woman.[/quote']

Do you have the chance to get out with friends to socialize and provide yourself with the opportunity to meet women? As you begin to accept yourself and feel more confident, you might find this gets easier. As a person who struggled a great deal with social anxiety for many years, I find the more I relate (even casually) with others, the less anxious and the more confident I feel to simply be myself. It is a way of empowering oneself.

Luckily I was blessed with a decent brain and skills that are above average.

It's great that you appreciate your strengths and can embrace them. I think it's important to treat ourselves with appreciation, kindness, respect, and care. Intelligence is a very attractive trait too.

Take gentle care of yourself.

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