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So, how was everybody's Thanksgiving?


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Just wondering how the holidays have treated everyone?

We did end up having Thanksgiving with a friend's family. They do an annual pig roast which was a totally new experience for my kids and I! The kids had a really good time- lots of stuff for them to explore on the farm. I had a few "episiodes" of anxiety but, there I was always able to slip away and regroup without anybody noticing. All in all, though, it was an OK day.

The kids and I did get the Christmas tree up on Friday and we are just going to chill for the rest of the weekend. I am glad we decided not to go out of town for the Christmas celebration. My kids have actually been okay with it which makes me feel better about the decision.

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That's great to hear Proverb's, it's nice when we feel OK about our decisions. Well done. Although we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here I did have to venture to the city for work related matters. Like you Proverb' I too had a few 'episiodes' anxiety and I am very relieved to be home.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend chilling out

Take care


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On Wednesday at my dad's assisted living place, they had a thanksgiving dinner and it was terrific. Thursday for me was kinda quiet. I usually would have thrived on being alone but this year somehow it got to me.

Don't mean to be a downer here. Change in meds I guess, "this too shall pass"; Mom used to say that all the time. :)

I'm glad to hear y'all's Thanksgiving went well to both Proverbs and you, Dr. Dombeck. Proverbs, I like having an escape route as well, if I need some alone time. :)

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Well, my mother died the Friday before Thanksgiving. I learned about it Sunday afternoon. I stayed in bed Monday and Tuesday, and didn't eat or drink anything.

But then, Wednesday, I went to a doctor, who prescribed something for bipolar disorder. My wife and her kids had a fairly pleasant Thanksgiving proper, and I'm back at work today.

So I'd just sum my Thanksgiving up as "weird".

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Well, my mother died the Friday before Thanksgiving. I learned about it Sunday afternoon. I stayed in bed Monday and Tuesday, and didn't eat or drink anything.

But then, Wednesday, I went to a doctor, who prescribed something for bipolar disorder. My wife and her kids had a fairly pleasant Thanksgiving proper, and I'm back at work today.

So I'd just sum my Thanksgiving up as "weird".

Wow I am so sorry to hear about your mother! It is so tough to lose a loved one to begin with, but to lose them around the holidays is doubly difficult! I've been there and know this myself. *hugs*

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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Malign and Wintersky,

Malign, I am also sorry to learn of the death of your mother. These losses are always painful.

My Thanksgiving was good, quiet this year, but good. Wintersky and all, how was yours?


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I have the life that I want; the state of mind that I want.

I remarried in Sep 2005, after the demise of my first wife in Feb 2004. My new family -- I had none -- is very welcoming and very nice. Life really turned around after I married and moved to TX [ 1300 miles].

Christmas will be excellent as well.

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