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Sometimes it's a bit too much

living, I mean. Has been a downward spiral of late. Having RLS. Electricity tweaking in my legs. Hurt my low back a few months ago. My neck has issues, none that will improve, severe pain often, children grown-busy, far away lives, a knowledge of systems and ageing and care during this process. Doesn't get me excited about the future. I have to find a home for my parrot.I can't hold her anymore or look down at her. She started plucking a few months ago and isn't quitting. I seem incapable of re



word choices

I'm kinda centered again.Stuff going on, not sure. But in the midst we bought literature for the Borderline Personality Disordered family. I don't mind admitting to mistakes or misperceptions. Am pretty open about how I may effect others and trying different ways if there are suggestions, sometimes. I like compromise.. but kindness -it will get you damn near anything from me..) What a wonderful thing. Any way, two words jumped out at me in this literature, talking about persons with Borderline



Today-looking at what I'm leaving

So here I am. Running(figuratively)naked down the street. Hanging it all out. Today I decided to move from where I live. I want some space, some living by myself. I spent the last of my money on sleeping bag, tent, etc., anticipating homelessness. I did register for shelter today, we'll see what happens. Could be an interesting week. Am a 53 year old woman missing front teeth. Am seriously having M.H. issues, and physical ones, too. Broke and about to be homeless. Smart... Oh, yes, I got a cheap



Needing to reach out, wanting to help others.

I have some things going on that I am struggling with. Feel shy, not sure how my efforts to support others will do so, so have decided to just write my own experience here for anyone to see. I'll start by sharing my DBT homework response. I feel quite crazy in my thinking, emotional, angry, reactive, but when I put it in words it kinda makes sense. re: DBT Homework B ... Sat, April 3, 2010 9:58:55 AM What information is my (cognitive) filter stopping me from considering? Have an injury I've been



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