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ugh - not a good start to a day

Sooo.....yeah. It's been awhile since I've snooped around on my husband's computer. Honestly - I know he looks at porn, downloads it etc. He knows that I know. We use to watch it together but haven't in a loong time. (kids). But we are on a pretty much don't ask don't tell policy. I guess sometimes it just frustrates me that the porn he looks at really isn't about two people screwing - it's all this porn with just pictures of either 'artful nudes' - if there is such a thing and then like



decision time

okay - after my fall back today on this never ending struggle with food, I think I have come to a decision. The only thing that I can do is post it up for like one person to see - but that should be enough to hold me accountable. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow and then record that weight. I plan on losing 10 lbs of fat in 6 weeks. I will take measurements too but I don't own a tape measure at the moment. I'm going to get this workout program that includes one though - once I have that p



playing with fire

I've been very confused lately. When I first found this site, I was confused about the relationship I have with my husband...and family obligations but all that leads me back to the one sore spot that I've been dealing with since I was in the 10th grade...low self esteem and body issues...which have led to unhealthy associations with food. When my eldest child turned two - I thought that I had conquered the demons about my low self esteem issues. I was playing a lot of soccer, working out al



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